Did your ancestors owned a ranch or land in Hidalgo county. I hope that the following book may be able to help you in finding more about your family history and genealogy. The book is titled “Hidalgo County Ranch Histories” and it was edited by Frances W. Isbell and printed by the Hidalgo County Historical Society and the Hidalgo County Historical Commission back in 1994.
Cover of Book “Hidalgo County Ranch Histories”:
The book starts with Common Misspellings Found on Headstones, Common Spanish Inscriptions – Epitaphs, and Burial Customs. Then it lists the following ranches.
62 Hidalgo County Ranches Mentioned in the book:
- Agua Negra Ranch
- Anacahuitas Ranch
- Cama de los Muertos (Bed of the Dead)
- Asadores Ranch
- Balli Ranch
- Bazan Ranch
- Benavides Ranch
- Rancho Blanco
- Brewster Ranch
- Los Burros Ranch
- El Capote Ranch
- El Carmen Ranch
- El Cibolo Ranch
- Cuevitas Ranch
- El Desierto Ranch
- Don Patricio Gonzalez Ranch
- Los Ebanos Ranch
- Granjefto Ranch
- Guzman-Toluca Ranch
- Handy Ranch
- Havana Ranch
- Immaculate Conception – McCook
- Eli Jackson-Brewster Ranch
- Jackson Ranch
- Jaraschinas Ranch
- Jesus Maria Ranch
- Kelly’s Rancho Blanco
- Laguna Seca Ranch
- La Lomita Ranch
- Lane Ranch
- Longoria Ranch
- La Noria Cardena Ranch
- Los novillos Ranch
- Null Ranch
- Ojo de Agua Ranch – Abram
- Pajaritos Ranch
- La Pechuga Ranch
- Pena Ranch
- Penitas Ranch
- La Reforrna Ranch
- Relampago Ranch
- Retama Ranch
- Rios Family Cemetery
- Rosario Ranch
- El Rucio Ranch
- San Jose Ranch
- San Manuel Ranch
- San Pedro Ranch
- Santa Ana Ranch
- Santa Anita Ranch
- Santa Guadalupe Torero Ranch
- Santa Monica Ranch
- Santa Rita Garza Ranch
- Santa Rita Ranch
- Santos Valdez Ranch
- Stockholm Community
- Tabasco Ranch
- Tampacuas Ranch
- Toluca Ranch
- Valdez Ranch
- Webber Ranch
- Zacatal Ranch
The book ends with an appendix listing the Municipal Cemeteries in Hidalgo county and four maps showing the location of the above mentioned ranches.
Were to obtain a copy:
- Available from: Book Sales Committee Hidalgo County Historical Society P. 0. Box 81 Edinburg, Texas 78540-0081
- UTPA Library at the Lower Rio Grande Special Collections Check Availability Here
Let me know in the comments area if any of your families still own or used to own any of the above mentioned ranches.
Thank you so much for this info on Hidalgo County ranches. I see several names of ranches mentioned that some of my Zamora family members owned, had part ownership in, or just lived and worked in through the years. Would you per chance have an e-mail address for the Hidalgo County Historical Society? Thank you.
You are welcome. Hopefully you get to read this book and find out more information about your family. Unfortunately I do not have an email address for them.
Does anyone know who the local historian’s name for El Capote Rancho, Hidalgo, Texas?
Hi, my great great great grandma Clemencia's maiden name is Trevino. she married Dionires Guajardo. Please send me an email, would love to connect and hear the research you've gathered. We might be distant relatives. leticiajoygoluba (at) gmail (dot) com.
ent day el relampago ranch is el rosario ranch or edinburgh or mcallen and we never got diddly squat for it or mineral rights our families ended up orphanned in san diego texas renting 1920census and our a great grandmother delfina washington eayers solis de ynojosa passing of a heart attack widowed in la mota ranch falfurrias 1929 her son estanislado washingon eayers hinojosa passed in1931 in falfurrias to we might have been spanish settlers families descendantsand us citizens 1845 but left home less thanks republic of texas and texas rangers
We all got a kick in the butt all partly to carpet beggars from east and south coast of the US…along with the new established Republic of Texas and the appointed lynching , murdering rangers. We have the blacks asking and demanding restitution, why not pay
us Spanish, Mexican Americans for our lands along with the mineral rights which were purposely and malicious taken from us by self appointed scoundrels in the local count house, sheriff department, burning and looting ranches. Where is our justice? I have researched countless hours on my family land grants in Hidalgo, Cameron and Starr and behold the same names appear time after time a well thought out plan..To date we
Americans of Spanish, Mexican descents are still under oppression and Trump at the helm in DC has made it more difficult on us since we bunched up with all the illegals.
We might as well carry our passport or birth certificate or else we will be deported back to either Mexico or Spain.
How can I find out if the Hinojosa family still owns part/all of the Santa Monica ranch?
Yes, they are still
The original land grant owner. It was given a Historical sign for relative keeping it for over 150 years. My great great Aunts daughter married one of the son of margartio Hinojosa. I have the history of it .
Where can I obtain a copy and what is the cost of this book?
Unfortunately it is out of print. I know that you can view a copy at the local university UTRGV in Edinburg, Texas.
Does anyone have any information on Juana Anaya family who is shown on the 1890 census. She had a son (John A. Closner) with Sherriff John Closner. I am trying to reach some of the Anaya family to get some questions answered. Thank you!
My dad and his family lived on the parajitos ranch, he says he believes that they still own land there but he’s not sure how would I find out if that is true? The family was Jose and Claudina Vasquez.
I guess you can find out at the tax office.
My grandparents Marcio and Guadalupe Martinez Perales lived with his guardian, possibly an aunt, Francisca on the Retama Ranch in Edinburg. My uncle Nicolas was buried on the ranch on 02/06/1934. I was wondering if there is a cemetery on that location or was he just buried on the land. He was born 03/10/1933 and was a baby. Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
My 3rd Great- grandmother lived on the Agua Negev Ranch back in 1880 and I was trying to find more info on my ancestors. Does anyone have info on the ranch? Thank you!
This book is a good place to start.
Some “Sosa” family is buried at the Capote cemetery wondering if anyone knows anything about them ?
I’m just trying to find some records and information related to tampacuas ranch. MY great grandmother was born there or resided there around 1880 and I’m trying to make the connection to the coahuiltecan tribe or more specifically the tompakawai which is where the name tampacaus comes from. I have their names if you could help me locate records that would be associated with deaths and burials or other important information that would be great.
Hello, Julian please p[ost this inquiry in our Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacgroup/
Hello Cousin
Do you have any information on the Jesus Maria ranch? My great grandfather Hilario Anzaldua was born there. He was Urbano’s brother.
I do not. I have not come across that particular ranch in my research.
Hello, just came across your page while I was doing research on my family. Would you happen to have any info on Derramadero Rancho? My great great grandparents seemed to have been there in the 1880 census. There family names were Guzman and Bustamante.
I do not have any information on that ranch. What general area was it located at?
I think it was in the Hargill area, I am searching for info on it as well… my family name on there is Villanueva.
I believe it was in Hidalgo,TX. Fernandez and Gonzales were also family names from that time period. Most of the family in familiar with on that side (mom's side) settled in Nixon, San Antonio, Cuero, Gonzales and Seguin. I also learned on 23&me that you and I are distant cousins! I would love to talk to you if possible.
I am doing research on my family and our old family ranch looks like it might be on here. Thank you for this information.
My great, great grandfather was Yndelacio Dominguez who lived on the Rosario Ranch. My other second great grandfather was Melchor Mora, co-owner of Relampago Ranch.
I’m a de ending from Matilda Hicks and Nathaniel Jackson
Would like to know if any of my Other Jackson Singketary Rutledge or Brewster descents are still farming or living on or near Jackson Ranch or Brewster Ranch.
Ms. Jackson
I once meet a Brewster and a Singletery and both were probation officers. A Singletery is a district judge and another Jackson that is an attorney. But, who knows if they are still farming.
Thank you, I have since traveled from Pennsylvania to Pharr Texas to visit my newly found cousins at Jackson Cemetery and Ranch The Church is still standing and the out house restroom.
My family member owned this: 200 acres Porcion 51 (except 32 acre Tract 58 Acre Tract & 50 Acre Tr.) also 100′ R-W Across Porcion 51 & 52 and Pump Site on Rio Grande 5 acres” (Brownsville Herald, Dec 29, 1930, pg 7)
What Ranch would that have been near? La Lomita I think?
Not sure but I recommend that you contact Gene Fernandez with the Brownsville Historical Association. He is very knowledgeable about that area.
moises I would like to buy the hidalgo county ranch histores,, where can I get one…. jose trevino m.d.
It’s a rare book. I have only seen it in libraries.
Does anyone have any information on the Rucio Ranch. My Grant Father was Othon Isabel Garcia, he married my Grandmother Cesaria Flores De Garcia. My G. Grandfather was Felipe Flores/ Francisca Chapa who were owners of El Rucio Ranch. Does it still exist or was it lost. What is its history?
Alfonso Garcia,
My father, Lisandro A. Zamora Flores, was born and raised on El Rucio Ranch. His father, Florentino Zamora, Jr. bought 100 acres from Estevan Garza Chapa and his son Jesus Marin Garza de Chapa sometime around 1915. I think they were in-laws/cousins. My father left me 38 acres of El Rucio, and I hope to pass it on to my children.
I don't know if this info is allowed on here, but f you have a Facebook account, you can use FB Messenger to message me (Marcy Z. McQuillen), or Ancestry.com (Marcolfa Zamora McQuillen), and I can send you the information I have on the history of the ranch. It's not much, but I will gladly share.
Our family nonprofit is comprised of descendants of the Webber Family including Sofia Bravo who currently owns and cares for the Webber Ranch Cemetery.
I am trying to find information on my great grandmother. Her name was Ramona Trevino and according to her birth certificate was born in Guadalupe El Torero on April 18, 1894. Her father’s name was Santos Trevino and her mother Timoteo Perez. Any information on their history would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!