Free is always good, specially if your budget does not allow you to buy things that you absolutely don’t need. With being the proud father of a toddler and a baby on diapers, there is not much extra left over.
Here are a five programs that won’t cost a penny unless you want the extras that each offers. I am not going to describe them since I believe that the best way to chose the best one for you is by installing each one and trying them out for yourself.
Five Free Genealogy Database Programs To Check Out:
Legacy family Tree Standard Edition
Family Tree Builder – (My favorite and the one I use) Since a year ago I have not used it. I bought Family Tree Maker.
Personal Ancestral File – Will be discontinued in July 2013.
After trying each one out, just chose the one that provides you with ease of use and is a perfect fit to you.
This post was last updated 6-23-2013