by Moises Garza
September 30, 2011

I first came aware of Rancho Santa Teresa when I found Martin Garza’s Catholic Church Record at FamilySearch. Unfortunately I have not been able to find this ranch but I have found several clues so far.
My first clue was the same page where Martin’s baptism was recorded. There are two other baptismal records that indicate that the children documented there where also born in Rancho Santa Teresa.
My second clue is Mary Jo Galindo’s Dissertation “Con Un Pie En Cada Lado: Ethnicities and the Archaeology of Spanish Colonial Ranching Communities Along the Lower Río Grande Valley” on pg 142 she indicates that in a partial Census of Mier taken around 1817, which is in private hands, the Rancho is listed as Santa Teresa de Guardado. Unfortunately she does not list the names of the individuals listed but provided the following synopsis of the rancho:
Indivi- Horses Mules
Rancho Name Families duals Goats Sheep Cattle Mares Tame Colts Tame Colts
Santa Teresa de Guardado 14 71 769 2037 16 34 16 3 6 0
Could this be possibly Guardados de Arriva and Guardados de Abajo which are two communities near Present day Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, Mexico?
Copyright © Moises Garza. All rights reserved. Article may be reused for whatever purpose, and it is encouraged, as long as it is in its entirety including this notice. [email protected]
my mother is also a perez from lalaja nuevo leon my grandparents were alonzo perez soliz and abelina gonzalez pena del ranco las flores later called dr. coss nuevo leon my e mail is [email protected]
Thanks for visiting this web site, I searched my database for their names but it seems that I do not have them. The Perez on my side of the family are from Allende and Santiago Nuevo Leon and arrived Near El Arcabuz, Tamaulipas around the 1880’s and the Perez on my Wife’s side are from General Teran and arrived in Starr County about the same time. Let me know if you want me to search for your great-grandparents, I also have alot of Gonzalez on my database.
do you have Ygnacia Peres and Antonio Garcia in your data base, married around 1821?
I don’t have them in my database but they are at familysearch.org they were married on 11 Mar 1821 at Inmaculada Concepción, Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Thanks, I figured them out, Antonio was married before to Andrea Lopez, and Ygnacia was married to Nicanor Perez prior to Antonio. Family search record only states them as widows but I dug through the church census and was able to figure it out. Both Peres’ son, Pablo, was a founder of San Diego Texas, he would be an uncle to me.