Here is the image and transcription to the 1925 Congregacion Arcabuz, Tamaulipas, Mexico birth Index. The front page of the book indicates that it is a copy of the originals. In 1925 Congregacion Arcabuz belonged to the municipality of Mier and the Civil Registry was established to serve that region since Ciudad Mier is almost twenty miles away and at that time transportation would have had been a challenge.
Cutout of Original Image:
Transcription of above Image:
A R C A B U Z .
A C T A S D E N A C I M I E N T O S .
N O. D E. ACTAS . N O M B R E S .
No. 1.- Calixta Reyna
No. 2.- Margarita Lopez
No. 3.- Silvano Pena
No. 4.- Jose Garza
No. 5.- Carmen Flores
No. 6.- Nereo Salinas
No. 7.- Felipe Lopez
No. 8.- Maria Garza
No. 9.- Felipa Garza
No. 10.- Adalberto Garza
No. 11.- Jose Maria Reyna
No. 12.- Abundio Garza
No. 13.- Daniel Americo Marroquin
No. 14.- Eladio Garza
No. 15.- Federico Alaniz
No. 16.- Ernestina Reyna
No. 17.- Unbelina Pena
No. 18.- Bruno Guerra
No. 19.- Francisco Trevino
No. 20.- Reynaldo Reyna
No. 21.- Benifno Reyna
No. 22.- Apolonia Botello
No. 23.- Luciano Alaniz
No. 24.- Olivia F. Salinas
Sources: FamilySearch
The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024