As you all know, due to my last three posts, I have been transcribing the Birth Index from 1925 to 1930 of Congregacion Arcabuz, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Well in the 1927 I found three names too familiar to discard. They were Luciano, Eulalio, and Ofelia Garza. Eulalio is my paternal grandfather and Luciano his brother and Ofelia his sister. I never thought I would find my grandfather in this index since he was born in 1917. It can safely be assumed that the Mexican Revolution may have disturbed their daily lives. Specially anything that had to do with government or maybe Mier was just too far away. But why 1927 why not before, I guess this question will be unanswered. It is interesting to note that the document indicates as them being vecinos (neighbors) of Congregacion Arcabuz. They were probably already residing at Rancho El Ebanito, a good five to 8 miles away. Also let me note that Eulalio’s baptism document indicates that he was born in 1919, but I’ll go with the Civil Registration birth since I believe it to be more acurate. Before I continue to the 1928 Index here is the Image and transcription to Eulalio’s Civil Registration.
Cut Out of Original Image:
Transcription of Above Image:
Acta N. # 52.
Eulalio Garza
nacio el 8 de
Dbre (Diciembre) de 1917
Arcabuz Tam (Tamaulipas)
“En Arcabuz Tamaulipas, a horas que son las ocho y treinta minutos del dia 3 tres del mes de octubre de mil novecientos veintisiete, ante mi Matias Reyna, Juez del Registro Civil de esta municipalidad comparecio el Sr. (Senor) Eusebio Garza quien manifesto ser vecino de este lugar casado, labrador de 44 cuarenta y cuatro anos de edad y quien presento a este jusgado a un nino vivo manifestando que es su cuarto hijo legitimo y que lo tubo su esposa la Sra. (Senora) Paubla Lopez de 38 Treinta y ocho anos de edad; Que son abuelos paternos del nino el Sr. (Senor) Martin Garza y la Senora Ruperta Lopez. ya finada y abuelos maternos el Sr. (Senor) – Jorge Lopez y la Senora Luz Garza, ya finados. Que el expresado nino nacio a las diesiseis horas del dia 8 ocho del mes de Diciembre de 1917 mil novecientos desisiete y que le impone por nombre Eulalio Garza, leida la presente acta al interesado y firmo siendo testigos los Senores Hermenegildo Garcia y Froilan Garza, casados, labradores, y vecinos de este lugar los que firman de conformidad doy fe —– Matias Reyna = Eusebio Garza = Hermenegildo Garcia = Froilan Garza = Rubricas. _____
Es copia del libro original
doy fe. _____
Matias Reyna
Source: FamilySearch