The following document is the Church marriage of my 3rd great grandparents Rafael Garza and Maria Ramona Garcia. I had obtained this document months ago but had not taken the time to transcribe it until now. What I found was very interesting. It indicates that they are related by blood and had to get a dispensation in order to get married by the church. “parentesco que tienen dispensado que es en segundo con tercero grado de consanguinidad” indicates that the marriage was between Uncle and Niece, I say uncle since Rafeal died way before Ramona did, as indicated in various other documents, meaning that he was way older than her. It also means that whomever were here parents her mother more than likely is Rafael’s sister.
Cut out of Original Image:
Transcription of above image:
N. 52 Rafael Garza Soltero con Ma. Ramona Garcia
En esta Parroquia de la Villa de Mier a los veinte dias del mes de Octubre del ano de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro. Yo el Presbo. Jose Anto. de Jesus Ramos, Cura interino de Esta Villa habiendo procedido todas las diligencias que previene el derecho amonestador en tres dias festivos inter misarum Solemnia segun sispocision del Sanot Concilio tridentino que lo fueron los dias veinte y uno y veinte ocho y veinte y nueve de Febre. y no habiendo resultado impedimiento alguno a mas del parentesco que tienen dispensado que es en segundo con tercero grado de consanguinidad y no haviendo resultado otro ingun inpedimiento alguno pasadas las veinte y cuatro horas Case y Vele facie Ecclesia a Jose Rafael Garza Soltero con Ma. Ramona Garcia doncella fueron testigos al verlos casar y velar Jose Anto. Ybanez y los padrinos que los acompanaron Jose Anto. Flores y Ma. Y_? Trevino. Y para que conste lo firme.
Jose Anto. de Jesus Ramirez
Source: FamilySearch
Copyright © Moises Garza. All rights reserved. Article may be reused for any purpose, and it is encouraged, as long as it is non-commercial use and it includes this notice. An effort has been made to use materials that provide credit to author or rights holder. If you find anything that should not be listed in this article contact me at
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