I am trying to find out some information about my great-great-great grandmother her name was Eduvijes Salinas (not sure if I spelled her name correctly) and she was married to Felipe Perez. They had several children: Gregorio, Francisca, Eligio, Tomasa and Virginia. I was able to find a marriage for them in Starr, Texas on the 28th of May 1878 however I have not had any other luck locating any other information. One of their children Gregorio Perez was married to Virginia Garza on the 12th of March 1880 in Hidalgo county Texas USA (marriage sources for both Eduvijes/Felipe & Gregorio/Virginia are from familysearch) Virginia Garza is my great-great grandmother who I also have had no luck finding any information on her family. Most of my family lived in south Texas. any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help. R. Rios
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