Great news, the Reynosa Church Marriages from 1790 to 1810 Are Online! I came across them while researching my wife’s side of the family.
Find and tracing Original sources for her family is getting to be more challenging than what I thought.
I had for whatever reason thought that most of her family would be listed in the Camargo Church records but after analyzing the indexes by SAGA I promptly determined that only some of her family can be found there.
I found secondary sources with dates and places pointing to Reynosa, unfortunately, they did not list their sources.
Turns out that Reynosa’s Church records are not online at Family Search, by the way, some of Camargo’s are.
Some initial research indicated that these records had been lost to time but I was not going to settle for that.
I keep digging around and I found that the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in Edinburg Texas has some of the Marriages online.
Reynosa Church Marriages from 1790 to 1810
You can browse the Reynosa Church Marriage Records from 1790 to 1810 online with this link: Browse The Reynosa Church Marriages 1790 to 1810.
I found several Marriages within a few minutes.
Also, the library has more marriages and baptismal records microfilmed. I have yet to analyze them but I did take a peek at them and they look very promising.
If interested in buying an index of marriages for Reynosa consider buying the book by Anthony Garza titled Matrimonios de Reynosa Años 1791-1912 since it will make it much easier to find marriage records within this online collection.
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I read that those records had been taken out of the Parishes, so I guess I will never finish my research.All the people I’m looking for would be found there.Or since there is so much conflict of interest over land, were these records removed intentionally? I’m very grateful you exhausted your efforts and found these records. Thank You Again, Amelia Castillo Ochoa
I am glad you found this post helpful. Hope you do find your ancestors.
Found the Reynosa church records very helpful in tracing my ancestors. How is the rest of the digitization going? Records beyond 1810 would also be helpful. Is help needed in the indexing area? Want to thank all those involved in getting what is already available on the web there. Keep up the good work
thanks again
jose cano
Jose, I don’t think anyone is indexing them and also allot of records are missing. I was thinking of indexing some my self but I don’t have time for it. Maybe in the future. If you come across any other records about Reynosa please let us know.
Moises Garza
Moises, if records can be made available digitally I can help index some of the Reynosa records. I have been doing a lot of research on the Cano, Pena, Flores, and Cantu names as these are my grandparents last names and some cross paths in Reynosa so I would be very interested in helping. Let me know if there is anything I can do from San Antonio.
jose cano
These records are also important to me since they would be the key to many ancestors of my wife. In the future, once I get some time, I can make digital copies of the microfilms at UTPA and with dropbox we could be able to index them. Till then take care.
Hello Jose Cano I don’t know if you will see this but I am also researching the Cano Pena Cantu last names please email me maybe we have some desendents in common. My email is Look foward to hearing from you soon.
Lisa Marie Ochoa
Moises, any luck in making the digital copies of the Reynosa related microfilms at UTPA and placing them on dropbox so we can help to index them?
jose cano
Jose I tried but I had to sign a copyright agreement that i was only to use the images for my personal research. I copied one full box and need 3 more.
Moises, well if you need any help doing something with what you have or what you get let me know and I will be glad to try to do whatever. Right now I am stuck trying to find information regarding Cristobal Javier Cano’s background (ancestors and where he came from other than from Cadereyta).