1901 Death Index of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon, Mexico in lists by male and female and in alphabetical order.
Cut out of original Image:
Los Aldamas > Defunsiones 1880 – 1909
Transcription of above image:
Num Foja Letra Hombres Num Foja Letra Mujeres
16 7 B Brijido Garcia 31 12 A Arcadia Garcia
29 11 F Faustino Rios 15 6 C Concepcion Leal
18 7 Francisco Rios 22 9 Cecilia Garza
3 2 J Juan Gonzalez 6 3 E Erlinda Chapa
12 5 Julian Pena 25 10 Elena Longoria
17 7 Jose Pena Carrillo 27 10 G Guadalupe Lopez
28 11 Jose Pena 13 6 J Justa Lozano
5 3 M Margarito Salinas 24 9 Juana Salinas
23 9 P Pedro Gonzalez 30 11 Juliana Cantu
8 4 R Reyes Cantu 9 4 L Luz Garcia
26 10 U Urbano Alanis 4 2 M Maria Pena
2 2 W Wenceslao Garza 14 6 Madrona Garcia
20 8 Maria Elizondo
1 2 N Nazaria Gonzalez
10 4 R Rafaela Martinez
32 12 Rosaria Perez
7 3 S Severa Garcia
19 8 Silveria Solis
21 8 Sixta Garcia
11 5 T Teodora Salinas
Los Aldamas Diciembre 31 de 1901
Luciano Pena
Source: FamilySearch
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