by Moises Garza

December 10, 2012

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

The following marriage record is of my 3rd great grandparents Narsizo Perez and Juana Francisca Tamez finally brought down a two year brick wall. Turns out that familysearch had the microfilm needed but unfortunately they only digitized half of the roll. I had contacted them over a year ago and was told that the problem had been forwarded to their engineers  I know I could have just ordered the film but the problem was that there is no familysearch library near me so that was out as an option. Tomorrow I’ll be posting about and recommending the person that got this image for me. For now lets talk about this image. Fortunately for me this image provided me with the parents of Narsizo as being Anselmo Perez and Rita Rodriguez and the parents of Juana Tamez as Pablo Tamez and Ygnacia Cavazos. If anyone has the same ancestors as me please contact me would love to trade information.

Cut out of Original Image:

Transcript of above image:

Numo. 595. Narsizo Perez 378 Juana Tamez Mayo 1841

En esta Yglesia Parroquial de la Villa de Santiago en 1 o de Mayo de 1841: Practicadas las Diligencias Matrimoniales, Leidas en tres dias festivos inter Missarum Solemnia las moniciones qe. previene el Santo Concilio de Trento, y fueron en Domingo 18. Domingo 25. de Abril, y Domingo, 2. de Mayo, y no habiendo resultado ningun impedimiento canonico, Mi Vicario El Presbitero Br. Don Juan Bautista Zambrano, Caso y Velo in facie Eclesie y en tiempo habil. a Don Narcizo Perez, hijo legitimo de Dn. Anselmo Perez, Difunto, y de Da. Rita Rodriguez; con Da. Juana Tamez, ambos de esta feligrecia, hija legitima de Don Pablo Tamez, y de Da, Ygnacia Cabazos; fueron testigos matrimoniales Don Ysidro Garza, y Dn. Froylan Cabazos, y pa. qe. conste lo firme.

Jose Ma. Nuin


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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  1. Moises, contact me if you ever want me to prepare you and your wife’s genealogies. I’ve been researching the families of NE Mexico and South Texas for over 20 years.

    1. Thanks for the offer, I sure will keep it in mind. If you ever want to make a guest post you are more than welcome. With 20 years of research experience do you have any tips that you don’t mind sharing?

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