If your last name happens to be Tijerina or you are researching the Tijerina family from the area of China, General Bravo, Dr. Coss, and Los Herreras Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Then this book is for you.
[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-q_MToBcZnuI/UTgh9YXxE5I/AAAAAAAADik/vtLN3x-y-SI/s144-c/Apuntes%252520Genealogicos%252520de%252520la%252520Familia%252520Tijerina.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100156569539144595553/BlogImages#5852465054165832594″ caption=”Apuntes Genealogicos de la Familia Tijerina.JPG” type=”image” alt=”Apuntes Genealogicos de la Familia Tijerina.JPG” ]
The author Ernesto Tijerina Cantu documents in this book six Generations of Tijerinas. The only complaint that I have about this book is that the author for what ever reason failed to provide any dates for the names mentioned thus, leaving the reader in the dark as to birth and death dates.
Regardless of this, I am sure this book is and will be of great help to anyone researching the Tijerina family. The only unfortunate thing is that this book is very rare and you can only find it at UTPA and other few libraries through WorldCat.
If interested, there is also genforum about the Tijerina Family and this book is mentioned there: Familia Tijerina-China y Los Herreras.
Would like to purchase Apuntes Geneologicos Familia Tijerina
Sandra, unfortunately I have no idea as to where you may be able to buy this book. If you want me to look someone up for you in the book just send me the information and I will.
Hi Mr. Garza, can I ask for help to look for my ancestry family Tijerina. I live in south Texas according to my father before his passing said his great grandfather Eusebio came from China, NL. in 1880. He was born on 1860. I got your book, Last Names of Nuevo Leon TIJERINA . Mr. Garza I tried getting more info in your book couldn't find what I was looking for on my prior to my great great grandfather Eusebio. I hope to hear from you if you can help me. Thank you for time .
Hello Porfirio, did he tell you who Eusebio’s wife was?
I have a pdf file of this book. It appears that the Tijerina’s are part of my ancestry.
If you would like a copy, please send me your email at [email protected]
Hello im really interested on this book
my grand uncle was Ernesto Tijerina who wrote the book
if someone can tell me where I can buy one?
Norma Lamon if you can send me a pdf copy please please !!!
The only copies I have seen are in libraries.
Hi Moises,
We started a Tijerina Family group. Several people are interested in the Apuntes Genealogicos Familia Tijerina book. Moises why would libraries have them do you know?