I found the following map at the Texas History Portal. It is an 1884 map of the Mexican State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Maps have come to play an integral part in my genealogy research and the following map is very interesting since it names the towns as they were named in many birth, baptism, marriage, and death record. It also provides me with more clues as to what towns used to be named what.
1884 Map of Tamaulipas, Mexico
[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-cCIEqYA6Vrw/Ueu-zAt3Y2I/AAAAAAAAENY/enClnYEOZDM/s144-c-o/Mapa%252520De%252520Tamaulipas%252520at%252520The%252520Texas%252520History%252520Portal.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100156569539144595553/BlogImages#5903021520174146402″ caption=”Mapa De Tamaulipas at The Texas History Portal.JPG” type=”image” alt=”Mapa De Tamaulipas at The Texas History Portal.JPG” ]
To see the above map in full detail and be able to zoom in to a specific area you can do so here: http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth231860/m1/1/zoom/?q=tamaulipas
If you wish to do so you can also download the map to your computer but it will not be as detailed as the online one.
Tip: If you need a map of the current municipalities of Tamaulipas you can get one here: Map of Municipalities of Tamaulipas, Mexico