The image below is the 1631 marriage of my 11th great-grandparents Captain Bartolome Gonzalez and Isabel Gomez Dominguez, also known as Isabel Gomez Esquivel. Diego Renteria posted it at WeAreCousins Facebook Page on 7-5-13.
He wrote the following comments:
Capitan Bartolome Gonzales and Isabel Gomez Dominguez marriage 2/25/1631. I’d email this but this is so much easier to post. You may want to repost so people will see you have new info. I was actually looking for more information on Francisco Perez de Escamilla and came across the Gonzales’, who I also descend from, I’d forgotten they were from the same area. I figure maybe Francisco Perez de Escamilla, Bartolome Gonzales, and Alonso de Leon entered Nuevo Leon together or at least knew each other prior? Tepetitlán and Huichapan are only 27 miles apart.
Cut out of the original image:
I tried to transcribe it but it is very difficult so I just left it alone. I will try at a later date. If anyone wants to do it let me know and I’ll post your transcription here.
Where can I get copy of marriage license For Bartolome Gonzales y Olivares and Isabel Gonzales de Esquivel?
I just fixed it primo.
En veinte y cinco —— del año de mil y seiscientos y treinta y uno caso Bartolomé González español con Isabel Domínguez, naturales de los Reinos de Castilla, fueron su padrinos Juan —— y —- Jeronima De Lara, sus — Agustín de Baldobinos y ————————————-