Have you heard about Caverns of Oblivion by Carl. L Duain? If you have not you should check this book out. It is basically the English translation of the three main books presented in Historia de Nuevo Leon Con Noticias Sobre Coahuila, Tejas, y Nuevo Mexico. To be clear I am not saying that Duain translated this exact book but they are the same stories presented in Historia de Nuevo Leon written by Alonso De Leon, Juan Bautista Chapa (my ancestor), and El General Fernando Sanchez de Zamora.
Cover of Caverns of Oblivion
[pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-g3CYMs8Qwao/Ueuv_PDqfXI/AAAAAAAAENA/AG_IiBgE7NE/s144-c-o/Caverns%252520of%252520Oblivion%252520Carl%252520L.%252520Duaine.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100156569539144595553/BlogImages#5903005237507685746″ caption=”Caverns of Oblivion Carl L. Duaine.JPG” type=”image” alt=”Caverns of Oblivion Carl L. Duaine.JPG” ]
What I like very much about this book is that the table of contents is really good. It is almost like an index and the reader can quickly find and go to the part of the book that he or she may be researching about.
Part of the introduction by Dr. Jesse E. Franklin
The general reader will be fascinated by the vivid accounts of primitive frontier life, which have been preserved these three hundred years and are now made available for our perusal.
The writings of De Leon, Chapa, and Zamora give us a composite account, from men of differing philosophies, of the methods employed and the varying successes and failures of Spain in her attempts to colonize and convert the New World. Their writings are faithfully and accurately translated herein. – DR. ]ESSE E. FRANKLIN
I do hope that you check this book out since it is very important not only to genealogy research but also to the history of Mexico specially Northeastern Mexico.
Where You Can Get a Hold of Caverns of Oblivion:
University of Texas Pan American – One copy is available for check out and another just for In Library reading.
World Cat – Will help you find this book in a library near you.
I have a personalized signed copy! Carl was a dear old friend of my Mom’s. When I was 18, we went down to Corpus Christi to visit him and he gave a copy to my Mom and one to me.
He was a very genuine kind of guy! I have read the book. Fascinating history. If anyone needs any pages copied from it I will send them over email.
You are absolutely correct and lucky to have meet him.
Thanks for the nice review of this unfortunately obscure book. You might also like "With All Arms" by Carl Duaine. You can find it online, still offered by my uncle, and Carl's oldest son, L. Alan Duaine.
Both books are awesome. With all Arms is part of my personal library.