Descendants of Miguel Saenz Garza Family Lineage of Los Saenz, Texas Volume 1 was researched and written by Isabel Ernestina Garza Brown back in 1995. This book is only 54 pages including the covers but it contains a wealth of information. To be honest with you the only reason that I checked it out at the library was because it had Garza and Los Saenz, Texas.
My father used to tell us “if you date someone from the Miguel Aleman and Roma area ask her whom her parents are since you will be related to them”.
Turns out that Mrs Brown and I do have common ancestors Jose Francisco Angel de la Garza and Cayetana Pena.
Cover of Book:
This book also contains copies of original documents and traces their family line all the way to the present. Found out that I used to work with two people mentioned in here that I had no idea we were very distant cousins.
If you are researching the Garza’s or Saenz from this area check this book out.
This book is available at the Special collections at the University of Texas Pan american in Edinburg, Texas. Check it out here.
I did a search on WorldCat to see if other libraries have it but only UTPA comes out.
Please keep me abreast of any changes to this web site
Thank You
This is the book that I was telling you about.
Is there a way to get this book short of driving to Edinburg?
Irene the other only alternative would be to check to see if a local library near you has a copy.
Ms. Brown is my Tia.
Her Father Filemon Garza Sr. and my Grandfather (Belisario Garza Sr.) are brothers.
I am the grandson of Belisario the son of Mario Garza Sr.
I have a copy of the book if anyone needs one, I can get you a copy.
I have found two cousins that are Escobar from Los Escobares town next to the original settlement of Corrales de Los Saenz which is now only called Roma.
That is awesome. Thank you for reaching out.
I am grateful for this information. I am researching Saenz from San Antonio, TX. I have several books of Moises Garza. They are just wonderful!
That is great, thank you!