Beverly Mason Carlson has started an open Facebook Group titled Montemayor Family Tree. If your last name is Montemayor or you have Montemayor ancestors this is a great group to join.
You never know, you may find your ancestors on this Facebook Group and if you don’t it is ok, you can always share information about your Montemayor ancestors and meet your distant cousins.
In my case I will be sharing what I have on my Montemayor Ancestors.
Screen Shot of Montemayor Family Tree
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Montemayor Family Tree.JPG” type=”image” alt=”Montemayor Family Tree.JPG” ]
You can use this link,, to visit this group.
You can also visit her personal website:
I hope that you do take the time to visit this Group, remember when you don’t reach out to others you are missing out. Beverly is very approachable and has even offered to help others that may need help in their research.