A week ago I received an email from Alfredo Cardenas inquiring on how to go about getting some documents form Star county. Fortunately, I was able to help him with that. I wish that was the case with everyone that contacts me, but I digress. In that email he also mentioned that he had just started a blog titled Soy de Duval which focuses on the Early History of Duval County, Texas.
I just wanted to share his blog with you all since the articles that he has posted are very interesting and informative, not to mention that they are great reads. I am sure his blog will be of great interest to all that are from, or researching families in, this county.
If your counties of interest are neighboring Duval County you might also want to check Alfredo’s blog since he does mention them on his posts.
Screen Shot of Soy de Duval Blog:
[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-TSZjXOB7uOQ/UfuK1yIYK6I/AAAAAAAAEQk/puAvcP0QT2c/s144-c-o/Soy%252520De%252520Duval.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100156569539144595553/BlogImages#5907467992821148578″ caption=”Soy De Duval.JPG” type=”image” alt=”Soy De Duval.JPG” ]
More about Alfredo Cardenas
Taken form his blog:
Alfredo E. Cardenas, Corpus Christi, Texas, United States, A freelance writer and researcher with a special interest in Duval County and that part of Texas known as Medio Mexico or South Texas. Born in San Diego and grew up and received my education in Duval County. Received BA in Political Science from St. Mary’s University and eventually returned to San Diego where I started the Duval County Picture, a weekly newspaper. In 1992 I was elected mayor of San Diego and served two four-year terms until 2000 when I resigned to go work for the state. Returned to the area in 2010 as editor of the South Texas Catholic.
Let me know what you think about Mr. Cardenas blog in the comments area.
You can visit this blog here: http://soydeduval.blogspot.com/
Thanks Moises for the recommendation and for your help.
Any time, just keep doing what you are doing. We appreciate it.
Excellent blog. It’s wonderful to see this county’s historical events written with a positive flair. I was born in Duval and am proud of it’s history – good or bad. Keep up the good work. Your articles are great not just your blog but in The South Catholic. By the way, my gr-great grandfather, Antonio Maria Palacios, donated the land where the Catholic Church now sits in Concepcion, Texas.
Mira, I also really like the blog “Soy de DUval”. Thank you for sharing the fact about your great great grandfather, i bet many people do not know that.
Mr. Cardenas has done a excellent job of historical research. I found very interesting material on my great grandfather, Benito Gonzalez Garcia brother to Tomasa Gonzalez Garcia. Margaret Garcia