Where your ancestors ever mayors of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico? Now you can check and include it in your genealogy research. The following is a list of all the mayors for Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The very first one is Diego de Montemayor my 11th great grandfather. Many others in this list are also my ancestors such as Bartolome Gonzalez whom is also my 11th great grandfather. This list was originally compiled by Odeth Garza Barrera and then by wikipidia.org.
Let me know how many ancestors you find in this list.
Alcaldes (Mayors) of Monterey Nuevo, Leon, Mexico from 1596 to 2012
I just hope that you did find this list useful.
- Odeth Garza Barrera – http://www.monografias.com/trabajos16/monterrey/monterrey.shtml#
- Wikipidia.org – http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Alcaldes_de_Monterrey
25 plus, I stopped counting
I know they are so many.