Please take the time to read the following email that I received form Crispin Rendon. If you are able to help please do so.
This email is going out to the hundreds of people in my genealogy address book. I have created ancestors books for most of you. Our ancestors came from the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. Our kindred group has roots back to Beatriz, Quintanilla, Ines Rodriguez and Isabel Olea. They appear multiple times in our family trees. We have identified their mtDNA and that of many others. There is more to learn.
I am asking for help with our mtDNA testing project. The goal is to learn more about the ancestors we have in common with the use of mtDNA testing. We have already identified over a dozen (see the online report I am not asking for money. We have funds for DNA testing at the Mexican Surname Project. What we need are the right candidates to test. I want to hear from anyone that has a documented mtDNA line that has ten generations or more. A mtDNA line starts with (1) you, (2) your mother, (3) her mother, (4) her mother, (5) her mother, (6) her mother, (7) her mother, (8) her mother, (9) her mother and (10) her mother. Additional generations would be wonderful. The mtDNA line must be from the States listed above.
Please share this information with you family history research friends and family.
Best Regards,
Crispin Rendon
If interested in helping out in this project please see the following PDF document to see if you are candidate You can also learn more about this project by visiting a previous post Mexico DNA Project Yahoo Group.