Doing my family genealogy has thought me that ranching was a very huge part in the family structure. Also my ancestors had been ranching cattle, goats, and sheep for hundreds of years. In fact through both of my parents sides I am part of the first generation that will no longer be cattle men. It is this reason that I just wanted to share with you another great book that I really like. It was written by Joe S. Graham and it is titled El Rancho in South Texas: Continuity and Change From 1750. I am barely half-ways but the information is very valuable.
I know that some of you grew up in South Texas Ranchos and I know this from the emails that I get. I myself was raised not in a South Texas Rancho but in a Northeastern Mexican Rancho just 14 miles away from the border. The similarities in ranching and even the old jacales were the same. Also the stone houses used for fortification can still be found in some Mexican ranches.
Description of book:
This book discusses the history of ranching in South Texas, illustrated with photographs that were part of “the first major exhibit to examine the private cattle ranch in South Texas, held in 1994 in the John E. Connor Museum in Kingsville, Texas” (p. ix). Index starts on page 117. – Texas Portal to Texas History
Cover of book “El Rancho in South Texas: Continuity and Change From 1750”
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”El Rancho in South Texas.jpg” type=”image” alt=”El Rancho in South Texas.jpg” ]
I hope that this books helps you understand more on how your ancestors made a living and or lived.
There are two places that you can find this book at. The first one is at the Texas Portal to Texas History and
The Texas Portal To Texas History
Using the following link you can read the full book online and even download the images.
Read: El Rancho in South Texas: Continuity and Change From 1750
Amazon has thsi book for sale and it starts around $30.00 to buy it used.
Buy: El Rancho in South Texas: Continuity and Change From 1750