I am currently reading the book by Karen Gerhardt and Rod Santa Ana III titled “Images of America, Hidalgo County Texas”. I want to thank my friend Juan Lino Garza for lending it to me. If your family has deep or recent rots to Hidalgo County I highly recomend this little 128 page book. It contains information form the early colonial period up until the 1920’s and 30’s. Not to mentioned that it is mostly all pictures.
This book is comprised mostly of old photos of Hidalgo county and it’s people. The pictures provide an excellent window to this county’s historical past and development. I highly suggest it. It contains a whole chapter dedicated to Mexican American Families.
Cover of Book “Images of America Hidalgo County Texas”:
Where to Find this Book:
You can try Worldcat.org to find a local library near you that has a copy.
You can also buy it at Amazon.com and here is the link. Buy Now At Amazon