This is the June 21 1689 marriage of my 8th great grandparents Antonio Lopez Prieto and Maria Rodriguez de Montemayor in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He was the son of Nicolas Lopez Prieto and Maria de Ayala. Maria’s parents were Diego Rodriguez de Montemayor and Ines de la Garza. Their witnesses are listed as Sargento Mayor Lucas Caballero Alonso Ruiz and Pedro de la Garza.
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Transcription of Above Image:
Antto. Prieto y Maria Rodriguez espanoles.
En veinte y uno dias del mes de Junio de mil y seis cientos y ochenta y nueve anos despose y vele a Antonio Prieto hijo del Cappan. Nicolas Lopez Prieto y de Maria de Ayala; Con Maria Rodriguez hija lejitima del Cappan Diego Rodriguez de Mte. mor. difunto y de Ynes de la Garza todos vezinos de este Rno. aviendo presedido las vanas en cinco nueve y doze de este mes y Ano; fueron testigos el sargto mor. Lucas Caballero Alonso Ruiz y Po. de la Garza. y para que Conste lo firme et supra. =
Joseph Guxardo
I saw the newsletter about marriage of “Antonio Lopez Prieto and Maria Rodriguez de Montemayor ” and I knew it rang a bell. I looked it up in my family genealogy and sure enough. Maria is my 9G-grandfather’s sister. My Great G-pa’s name was Mateo and married Leonor Fernandez.
I have gone back all the way to 1300’s Spain/Portugal/England on my dad’s side and 1300’s Spain on my mom’s side.
My Mom’s (Agustin) 8th grandfather’s wife (Maria) is my dad’s (Manuel) 8th grandfather’s sister.
Maria Reza Saldivar and Manuel De Montemayor Rodriguez
Sorry for blabbing on and on.
Nice to meet you prima, thanks for sharing. Have you been able to find documents in Spain. I have yet to try and find one from there. All I have are secondary sources when it comes to the old world.