Paula Mendoza is my 2nd great grandmother whom I had been trying to find all of her grandparents. This document is her baptism record that I had previously searched for but could not locate. Turns out that it was out of place and guess what this document mentions all of her grandparents. Now the task will be to search for them and try and find more information but here is where the problem lies. I have no experience researching Jalisco and or other resources for other records other than church and civil.
Paula die from fever in April 15, 1932 in Rancho La Meca, in Tamaulipas, Mexico. You can see her civil registry death record here: Paula Mendoza Mireles – 1932 Civil Registry Death Record, Arcabuz, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Any primos and or primas out there related to Paula or her ancestors please contact me so that we can trade information.
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Sitio Paula, hija Legitima Limosna
En la Yglesia Parroquial de Ojuelos a diez y siete de Marzo de mil ochocientos sesenta y siete. Yo el C. O. Luis Tovares con licnecia del Canonico bautize solemnemente a Paula de quince diaz de nacida en el Sitio como a las diez de la noche, hija lejitima de Tiburcio Mendoza y de Lorenza Mirelez A. P. Antonio mendoza y Petra Ybarra A. M. Trinidad Mirelez y Ma. Guadalupe Villanueva Padrinos Hilario Ramirez, a quien adverti su obligascion y parentesco espiritual p. comutacion lo firme con el senor cura.
Anto Martinez Luis G. Tovares
- FamilySearch