In case that you do not know I just want to make you aware that the Spanish American Genealogical Association (SAGA) out of Corpus Cristy, Texas back in 1989 indexed the Cerralvo Church Marriage Records covering the time period of 1761 to 1880. This particular book “Cerralvo Church Marriage Records 1761 – 1880 Book II” lists all the brides by alphabetical order by maiden name.
This book is invaluable to our research since as you may or may not be aware of the Cerralvo Marriage Church Records have not been indexed by They are only available at but that is more than $30.00 to get access per month. instead just look for this book or buy it off the SAGA website.
Image of partial cover of book”Cerralvo Church Marriage Records 1761 – 1880″:
Remember once you find an entry to one of your ancestors you can obtain a copy of the original at They are here.
Where to get a copy:
- UTPA – University of Texas Pan American (View Availability)
- – Find book in a library near you. Check Now.
- SAGA Website – View if book is available.