The following is the June 21 1689 marriage of my 8th great grandparents Antonio Lopez Prieto and Maria Rodriguez de Montemayor. They were married in what is now Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The parents of Antonio are listed as being Capitan Nicolas Lopez Prieto and Maria de Ayala. The parents of Maria are listed as Capitan Diego Rodriguez and Ynes de la Garza.
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Antto. Prieto y Maria Rodriguez espanoles.
En Veinte y uno dias del mes de Junio de mil y seis cientos y ochenta y nueve anos despose y vele a Antonio Prieto hijo del Cappan. Nicolas Lopez Prieto y de MAria de Ayala: con Maria Rodriguez hija legitima del Cappan. Diego Rodriguez de Mte.mor. difunto y de Ynes de la Garza todos vezinos de este Rno. aviendo presedido las vanas en cinco nueve y doze de esthe mes y Ano: fueron testigos el Sargto. Mor. Lucas Cavallero Alonso Ruiz y Po. de Salazar. y para que cosnte lofirme ut supra. =
Joseph Guajardo
Children of Antonio Lopez Prieto and Maria Rodriguez de Montemayor:
The following list of children was compiled by Crispin Rendon.
- Antonio Regalado PRIETO, born about 1700 in Santiago, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; died bef 1729. He married on 25 Jan 1712 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Maria Josefa GUERRA, christened 7 Jun 1697 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, died bef 1741, daughter of Capitan Juan GUERRA CANAMAR and Juana FLORES ABREGO.
- Pedro PRIETO VILLELA (my 7th great grandfather), died bef 1745. He married Francisca AGUIRRE, christened 31 Oct 1693 in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, daughter of Capitan Pedro AGUIRRE, and Mariana RAMOS ARRIOLA.
- “México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Monterrey > Catedral > Matrimonios 1667-1800 > image 41 of 732; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
- Rendon, Crispin D. “Ancestors of Moises Garza” February 9, 2014 Pg. 113
Moises – We have a common ancestor with their son Pedro Prieto Villela.