I just wanted to make you are aware of a great resource for the State of Tamaulipas. It is a dictionary of biographies about notable people of Tamaulipas. The authors of this book “Diccionario Biografico de Tamaulipas” are Juan Fidel Zorrilla and Carlos Gonzalez Salas. It was printed back in 1984 in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Unfortunately, it does not contain much genealogical information but some biographies do mention who their parents were but it is great to help you piece your ancestors life’s. That is if they are mentioned within the pages of this book.
The main object of the writers was to include whomever in any generated activities have contributed or participated in the historic, economic, social, political, and cultural development of Tamaulipas. They not only mention people who were born in Tamaulipas but many other persons that somehow have meant something to Tamaulipas.
Here is a sample of what you can expect to find:
DE LA GARZA FALCON, BLAS MARIA – Capitan fundador de la villa de Camargo establecida e1 5 de marzo, de 1749. Gozaba de quinientos; pesos anuales de sueldo, estaban a su mando doce plazas de la Real Escuadra y tenia ciento tres sirvientes. Contaba con ganado caballar y asnal. (E.G.D.L.F … , T. II, p. 388 ).
Cover of Book Diccionario Biografico de Tamaulipas:
This book will be rare to find since only 2000 copies where printed but you can always look for a copy at Worldcat.org to see if a local library carries it.
UTRGV has a copy:
Yes, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has a copy of this book. View Availability
I hope that you find this resource useful and or you are able to find your ancestors in this book. Let me know about your findings.
Hello, I live in New Orleans and just consulted this very informative book. (The Tulane University library here happens to have it). However, the book has no index. Has anyone created a supplementary index that picks up the segundos apellidos? Otherwise, I’ll just plan to go back to the library and spend some time eye-balling the pages.
P.S. Apologies, I don’t have a Facebook account, and, in light of the privacy issues currently in the news, I’m not sure I want one. However, I don’t mind you cross-posting my question there with my email address.
Not that I am aware of since it is in alphabetical order but by fathers last name.