This is the sixth article in our series Going Digital With Genealogy. In this post I will provide you with a list of Android and IOS Apps to help you carry your family tree with you. Now days everyone has a smart phone or a tablet with them at all times. Thus, did you know that you could have your entire family tree at your fingertips when ever and where ever you want it or need it. Yes your family tree at your fingertips to show case it to family or help you with your research.
The benefits of carrying are great, I love to show case it to family and Friends when ever family history or genealogy comes up. Sometimes I come across something and I reference it on the fly with the tree available on my phone. Not to mention it is essential if you go to an archive and need your tree for reference.
All major genealogy software makers have an app either for Android devises or IOS devices. All of them work almost similarly and to keep it simple, for times sake, in the next two future posts of this series I will only talk about’s app (the one I love) and Family Search (which I have to test). Even-though I will only talk about these two apps most if not all of the features I talk about are available in almost all apps.
Since I already mentioned that all you need to carry your Family Tree with you is a smart phone or tablet lets talk about the names and links to the major apps that are available out there.
Android Apps to Carry Your Family Tree With You
- Ancestry App – If you have a paid or have a free account at and have uploaded or created your family tree on there then this is the App that is perfect for you. Once installed you just log in and your tree will be available to you. You can get both the Android and IOS apps form here: Get Ancestry App
- Family Tree – This is the app available from FamilySearch. It works the same way as ancestry. You either create or upload your family tree to FamilySearch’s Family Tree and it will grab your tree from there into your phone. It is only available for android devises and you can get it here: Get Family Tree
- RootsMagic – Is another great one out there. I have not used it but have heard great things form our readers. I also don’t know if it get your family tree form the cloud or if you use your computer to sync it. I list it here since if you are a RootsMagic user I want you to be aware that this is available to you. You can get it here for both IOS and Android devices: Get RootsMagic App
FYI, all the above mentioned are free. Also there are way more than this list but theses re the major three ones out there. As I always recommend that you do please test them out and see winch one you like the best. As for me I have already made my decision. These apps will also let you add to your tree and even upload photos.
As mentioned before I will talk about Ancestry’s App and also about FamilySerch’s App in future posts. Till then continue to have fun and enjoy these apps.