Yesterday I received an email from Crispin Rendon letting me know that he had just published his fifteen book on his series on the Families of Saltillo Coahuila Mexico. I sincerely hope that you have been following this series and have downloaded your copy of each volume. These volumes as I mention every time are invaluable and can be vital in your research or the research that you do for others. Bellow you will find a partial part of his email that includes where to downlaod it. Crispin also took the time to let us know that Mario Davila had published a new book “Libro de Diligencias Matrimoniales de Reynosa 1751*1766*1781“. You can read more information about this book posted by Mario Davila himself at at Las Villas del Norte or on the link that Crispin provides on the email bellow.
Email form Crispin Rendon:
I have posted online volume 15 of Familes of Saltillo.
Here is the link:
Also, for those of you with an interest in Reynosa, Tamaulipas Mario Davila is selling another ebook. Get the details on facebook
ebook Libro de Dilegencias Matrimoniales de Reynosa by Mario Davila
A collection of records from three sources (, UT Austina and UC Berkeley). These records from the years 1751, 1766 and 1788 predate those found in his earlier ebook. There are a total of 19 records and Mario Davila presents these hard to find records with a artistic flair that is a joy to see and support.
Best Regards,
Crispin Rendon
Crispin Mentions in his book:
“Volume fifteen contains marriage information found on film 605096 (matrimonios 1788-1823). This
final volume, in a series, continues with 500 records starting on July 1819 and ending on July 1824 on
images 534-627. Basic information from the marriage records is presented along with other information
gathered in an attempt to present two generations descendant reports. Not all marriages result in
descendants. Most of non-marriage record information presented was gathered using the database index.”
I hope that you do take the time to get yoru own copy of this eBook. Also if you make any discoveries please let me know on the comments section of this page. I would love to hear about them.