This is the second part to Mario Davila’s presentation on his book “Libro de Matrimonios de Reynosa 1790-1811“. This presentation was done for the Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Genealogical Society out of Harlingen Texas.
I know that you will enjoy it and learn something new. Make sure to watch it and if you have not seen part two look for the link to it just bellow this video.
Libro de Matrimonios de Reynosa 1790-1811 Part II:
In case that you missed the first part to this presentation you can see it here:
If you are interested in buying his book you can do so at Amazon by clicking here: de Reynosa
Make sure and follow Mario’s Facebook page to keep up to date with what he is doing and or his future projects. You can visit it here and let him know that you heard about him on We Are Cousins.
Before you leave please let me know int eh comments about something that you learned in Mario’s presentation. Please leave a comment in the comment section of this post.