This is the April 16, 1712 church death record of my of my 8th great grandfather Joseph Ygnacio Martinez in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. This record indicates that he was married to Ynes de la Garza. Through other sources we know that the names of his parents are Ignacio Martinez Guajardo and Maria Juana FLores Valdez.
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Joseph Martines
En dies y seis dias del mes de Abril del ano de mil setes y dose. Se enterro En esta Capilla de San Francisco Xavier Joseph Martinez Espanol, Esposo de Da. Ynes de la Garza Confeso, y Recibio los Stos Sacramentos, testo y dejo por Albacea al Rv. Dn. Ygnacio Marts Ante Jues Licco. y porqe Conste lo firme.
Juan de Arellano
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- “México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981,” images, FamilySearch (,45389702,46366701 : accessed 14 July 2015), Monterrey > Catedral > Defunciones 1668-1752 > image 97 of 368; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
La capilla es la de San Francisco Xavier y el albacea es el Rv. Ygnacio Martínez, quien era el Inquisidor del Nuevo Reyno de León
Gracias por la informacion.
Gracias por la informaricon.
El Rv. Ygancio Martínez era hijo de José Ygnacio Martínez y de la Garza
Ynes de la Garza
I’m trying to make the connection to my family’s history but there is a gap in my research. Any tips?
Just don’t give up and be persistent. Also focus on other areas of your research and then come back to the ones that you are stuck with. Sometimes clearing your head and looking it with a fresh mind helps.