Hey there, I just want to make you aware of the upcoming genealogical events for Texas. They are fast approaching and you still have time to plan for them if you want to attend. I will only talk about the ones that I am aware and if I left one out please send me the information for it. The upcoming genealogical events are the 36th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference, Branching Out 2015: A Genealogical Fair Old City Cemetery Center, and the 2015 Family History Conference.
36th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference
This conference will be held in Laredo Texas this coming October the 8th, 9nd, and 10th. I am have already made arrangements to attend it. I will also have vendors table selling my books and also promoting Las Villas del Norte. You can read more about the conference in a past post that I made titled “36th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference.” If you are attending make sure to say hi and take a picture with me. Last years conference was great and i meet many great people and even made many good friends.
Branching Out 2015: A Genealogical Fair Old City Cemetery Center
This event will be held in Brownsville Texas. I attended Branching out on it’s first year and I was even one of the presenters. Unfortunately the dates conflict with the Laredo conference so I will not be able to attend.
Here is more information about it: Branching Out 2015: A Genealogical Fair Old City Cemetery Center Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 11 to 2 pm Free with paid admission to the museum In celebrating National Family History Month, the BHA will be hosting Branching Out 2015. It will be the 3rd year for this event and we are excited to have with us this year Mr. Larry Holtzman, who will be giving us a tour of the Hebrew Cemetery and the Jewish pioneers of Brownsville buried there. You can register for this event by calling the BHA at 541-5560 – Craig Stone
2015 Family History Conference
This conference will be held October 30 to November 1st in Austin Texas. I personally have not attended it but I have heard great things about it from people that I know. For more information about it check out The Texas State Genealogy Society website. Here is the link: http://www.txsgs.org/conference/
There you have it. Those are the three major genealogical events that I ma aware that are upcoming for the State of Texas. Let me know in the comments section if you will be attending any of them.