The We Are Cousins DNA Project moves forward thanks to the great help of Crispin Rendon. This past Saturday he published his eBook titled Y-DNA of Marcos Alonso Garza Arcon. As we have known for some time the majority of Garza DNA is R-M269, but there are questions as to one of his sons, as you will read in Crispins’s report.
Hopefully, in the future, we can get several volunteers to submit their links to Marcos Alonso and provide a solid trail of paperwork.
With nothing else here is the email that I received from Crispin Rendon on Saturday.
Email From Crispin Rendon:
I posted online a report on the YDNA of Marcos Alonso Garza Arcon. I descend from him 30 ways by way of four of his sons. A recent yDNA test casts a shadow over whether Joseph Trevino, from whom I descend 2 way, is truly his biological son. The answer to that question will require yet some more study. Marcos Alonso is an ancestor to most everyone in this kindred group and a success story of working together to learn more about our ancestors. This progress continues with the help of the We Are Cousins DNA project. I am delighted to see that it has grown to over 171 members.
Marcos Alonso Garza Arcon Y-DNA:
To learn more about the We Are Cousins DNA Project visit the website.
Get Your Own Copy
If you have not joined the project make sure to do so. Also if you are a direct male descendant of Marcos Alonso and have tested with FTDNA let me know. Make sure to get your very own copy of this report. I have also added it to the project page for easier access.
I have ydna tested the Trevino side of my family. I would like to know more.
Mario Canales Garcia
Make sure to join the WeAreCousins DNA project to see if you match other Trevinos and other Garza’s.
I already joined the project primo! My dad’s ydna are up. I have granted full access.
I remember that my grandfather mentioned Octaviano Garza to me while I was a kid in the 1980s. I traced him back and the line ends up at Marcos Alonso de la Garza. However, I see a problem. The name that we see in Texas History as Blas Maria de la Garza Falcon in Texas History is supposedly born in 1712. However in Ancestry records this grandfather was born either in 1591 or 1621. I see no other record for 1712?
There are several Blas Marias, follow the paperwork and you will sort it out.
Good afternoon,
I need some clarification on this person. Marcos Alonso was Sephardic as well?
I just fixed it, thank you for letting me know.