If Ana de Ovalle is in your family tree make sure to check her mtDNA nad DNA Results report prepared by Crispin Rendon. Even if she is not your ancestor make sure to get a copy of it since you never know when you might just end up needing it.
Here is the introduction written by Crispin Rendon on his report:
My ancestor Ana Ovalle (spouse of General Diego Ayala) has 39,294 descendants in our kindred group database and is a perfect mtDNA match to Isabel Olea. Based on the mitochondrial inheritance rules we have 575 females found in 11 generations with her mtDNA found in this report.
Ana is named by her husband in his will in this translated portion taken from “The Slaves of Monterrey”:
Testament of General Diego de Ayala, native of this kingdom and legitimate son of Capitan Jose de Treviño and Leonor de Ayala, both deceased, former citizens of this kingdom. He arranges to be buried in the convent of San Francisco, with a novena of masses. He asks that they say a novena “for the souls of the native Indians that died in my service”, and another for those of his parents and for those of Ana de Ovalle and Doña Margarita de Sosa, his first wives. Of his first marriage, with Ana de Ovalle, they had the children: Juana, Josefa, Maria, Ramona, Diego, Leonor and Ana. Juana and Ramona, “are already deceased”.
I thank Anna Flores (the last person named in this report) for having her mtDNA tested at FamilyTreeDNA and for her family history research. We do not know who the mother of Ana Ovalle is but it is certain that Ana is a mtDNA descendant of Isabel Olea. Her mtDNA is Native American.
FamilyTreeDNA mtDNA results are Haplogroup – C1c2
Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence (RSRS) Values
A16129G T16187C C16189T G16230A T16278C T16298C C16311T T16325C C16327T C16519T C146T C152T C195T A247G A249D A290D A291D 309.1C 315.1C T489C 522.1A 522.2C A769G A825T A1018G G1888A A2758G C2885T G3010A T3552A T3594C G4104A T4312C A4715G G7146A C7196A T7256C A7521G T8468C G8584A T8655C A9545G C10400T T10664C A10688G C10810T C10915T G11440A T11794C G13105A A13263G G13276A T13506C T13650C T14318C C14356T T14783C G15043A G15301A A15487T G15930A Extra Mutations: 309.1C 315.1C 522.1 A522.2C C16519T
This citizen science effort attempts to identify the mtDNA of our kindred group. It is rare to find mtDNA lines that extend 10 generations or more. Ana is my 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th great grandmother. Most members of this kindred group will find her in their ancestor book.
Get a Copy of The Report:
Click on the following link and once it opens up just save it to your computer.
This report has been included in the We Are Cousins DNA project and you can just go to http://www.wearecousins.info/dna for future download and also to check out other reports.
Join the We Are Cousins DNA Project:
If you have tested with Family Tree DNA please join our project at http://www.wearecousins.info/dna you can compare your results to others whom have tested that are also from South Texas and Northeastern Mexico.