This is the last article in the series recapping the conference. Morning came fast and I made it to the lobby area to try and talk to as many people as I could. The day went smooth and I really did not take nay pictures.
We had lunch at the hotel with great company and great friends. By the way I meet them all in the last two conferences. I was nervous all day long since I was going to present my presentation “Mexican Genealogy Research Online”. I entered the room and saw that the room was huge. Soon after a member of SAGA advised me that they opened up another room to make room for people to watch our presentations.
After it sunk in that this was going to be my biggest attended presentation ever I made sure all the equipment was working and then I fell at ease.
I saw many familiar faces, many of whom I had had a chance to talk to and some that I got to know better.
My presentation went smoothly, so I think. I got so many compliments afterwards that made me think that people were not disappointed. Specially with a broad topic like this.
Afterward, I had to scramble to set up the recording camera for the joint presentation by Crispin and I titled “The We Are Cousins DNA Project”.
After everything was set up, Crispin did the opening and then I took off presenting about DNA and then got into the DNA Project. Crispin then did the second half of the presentation talking about what to expect at FTDNA. Introduced the dashboard to everyone and described haplogroup mutations along with the DNA of Maria Ines Rodriguez. Showed everyone the YDNA Hap Map and other great useful information.
The above photo was taken by Alex Garcia Quintanilla, Thank you Alex!
We were unfortunate to loose half of the recording. for what ever reason I caught it too late and my first half was gone. I recreated it and merged it into the original video but it is not the same. We lost the intro by Crispin but all of his second half was salvaged. As of this moment you can view the video at the We Are Cousins DNA Project page. Here is the link:
We recommended, during our presentation, The Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin for them to add more DNA presentations to the speaker line up. The presentation by Crispin and I was the only DNA one, thus showing that we as a community are falling behind and that there is way more to learn. If you are new to DNA testing make sure to visit my website so you can get the basic knowledge about DNA Testing for Genealogy.
After our presentation we had many questions and we only answered a few due to lack of time. Afterwards Crispin Rendon presented “Data Mining and Kindred Genealogy Database”. His presentation was very interesting and informative but due to lack of time it was cut short.
It was great presenting at the conference since there were several people in attendance that I admire and that I look up to. I want to thank everyone that made it to my vendor table to talk to me. Also thanks for reading.