A great genealogical and historical resource that we have at our disposal is the Bexar Archives located at The University of Texas at Austin in their Briscoe Center for American History. This collection contains documents from 1717 to 1805. These archives are the official Spanish documents that preserve the political, military, economic, and social life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican State of Coahuila.
Screen Shot of Website
The collection has been broken up into the following five series:
1. Coahuila y Texas Official Publications, 1826–1835
2. General Governmental Publications, 1730–1836
3. Non-governmental Publications, 1778, 1811–1836
4. General Manuscript Series, 1717–1836
5. Undated and Undated Fragments
The Bexar Archives Online is a web based resource that features over 5,000 original documents (23,000 pages) that have been digitized from microfilms. Researchers may browse, by year, the originals and translations, or compare an original and its translation side-by-side. Full-text searching of the translations is also supported.
Area of Coverage of Documents
This picture is great and it portrays at a glance what is covered by the collection. So if your ancestors lived in this area, this collection is well worth checking out.
Visit the Collection
The following URL will take you to the collection so you can start searching for your ancestors.