Families of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume Five has been released by Crispin Rendon. Even if you don’t have ancestors in this area make sure to get your copy of this free eBook, since it is better to have it than not. You never know when you may need it.
Description of Volume by Crispin Rendon
Volume five of Families of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon continues from volume four containing marriage information from the final 460 marriage records found on the FamilySearch.org browse online collection (matrimonios 1712-1789). These marriages in volume five occurred in the time span of May 18, 1779 to 31 Jan 1789. These marriages are found on images 474 to 647. Basic information from the marriage records is presented along with other information gathered in an attempt to present two generation descendant reports. Most of the nonmarriage record information was gathered using the FamilySearch.org database index.
Cover of eBook Families of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume Five
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Families of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume Five
As I always mention it to you, I’ll say it again, don’t forget, make sure to download your own copy. If you see Crispin don’t forget to say thank you. Have fun and enjoy, talk to you soon.