It is amazing the work that Crispin Rendon along with many giving volunteers have been able to accomplish. Slowly but surely we are moving forward in a good direction.
Yesterday Crispin emailed everyone on his mailing list the following report which I find truly Amazing and informative. In the future anyone that tests their mtDNA and matches that of Ricardo Valdez can with certainty state that they too have Tlaxcaltecan ancestry.
Here are Crispin’s introductory description of the report and also the mtDNA results of this particular line.
This report documents the 10 generation mtDNA line of Ricardo Valdez. This line extends to Native Americans of the Tlaxcalteca tribe. Most of our citizen science project mtDNA lines are Native American. This is the first to extent at least 10 generations and also be identified by tribe. Special thank you to Ricardo for sharing his research and test results. All images from
Haplogroup B2C2
HVR1 DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS: A16129G A16182c A16183c T16187C T16217C T16223C G16230A T16278C C16311T C16365T
HVR2 DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS: C152T C195T A247G 309.1C 309.2C 315.1C G499A 522.1A 522.2C
CODING REGION DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS: A769G A825t A827G A1018G A1117G A2758G C2885T A3547G T3594C G4104A T4312C T4755C G4820A T4977C A6380G C6473T G7146A T7220Y A7241G T7256C A7521G C8281d C8282d C8283d C8284d C8285d T8286d C8287d T8288d A8289d T8468C T8655C G8701A C9540T T9950C G10398A T10664C A10688G C10810T C10873T C10915T C11177T T12705C G13105A G13276A T13506C G13590A T13650C T14757C C15535T
Extra Mutations: 309.1C 309.2C 315.1 C522.1 A522.2C A1117G A6380G T7220Y A16182c A16183c C16365T
Missing Mutations: A11914G
If you are interested in reading this report you can get a copy of it here:
Join the We Are Cousins DNA Project:
If you have tested with Family Tree DNA please join our project at you can compare your results to others whom have tested that are also from South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. Also if you are already a member please send me your family trees so we can start generating reports similar to this one.
I had my father tested with FamilyTreeeDNA but have not yet uploaded a tree as i need to go thru and create a new one and verify all source information. How do i go about finding out what members of this group have matched up if any for my dad.
Join the WeAreCousins DNA Project at FTDNA to see who you match to
Maria Concepcion Cadenas DOD was transposed from 1957 to 1975. This was a fascinating read. Confusing at times but amazing to have been able to go so far back. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked it.