by Moises Garza

November 2, 2017

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the second volume that Juan Jesus de Leon has released on the de la Garza and Garza last names. What so important about this eBook is that even if a padrino is a Garza or de la Garza the particular record is also listed in here. Make sure to download it to your computer and save your own copy because nothing on the internet lasts for ever, get my word for it.

Short introduction by Juan Jesus de Leon:

Bautizos de La Catedral de Monterrey N.L.

Garza y De La Garza 1742-1752


Esta lista esta conformada por personas con los apellidos Garza y De La Garza siendo bautizados entre los años 1742 a 1752, incluye numero de imagen en el Film de donde se extrajo la informacion, nombres de ambos padres nombres de los padrinos al igual que la casta a la que pertenecia el bautizado, en algunos records donde la lectura no es legible tendra un espacio en blanco o puntos suspensivos.

El trabajo en la interpretacion de esta lista esta basado en lo que leo, sin tener una eduacion formal en Genealogia o Paleografia.

Esta lista no es 100% correcta debido a que puede contener errores de interpretacion. Para preguntas, correcciones o sugerencias mandar correo a [email protected]

Por Juan Jesus De Leon Arroyo con la colaboracion de Cleopatra Aurora DeLeon

Marzo 30, 2017
Houston, Texas

eBook Cover: Bautizos de La Catedral de Monterrey N.L. Garza y De La Garza 1742-1752

Download NOW

This eBook as well as all others by Juan have been added to the project page that I created for him at We Are Cousins you can find them here The Leal and De Leon Project.

Join the Conversation

Meet and greet Juan de leon on his Facebook group at Los Leal De Leon 1600’s -2000’s Descendientes del Capitan Alonso De Leon

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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