This is the Y-DNA Descendants of Juan Tamez created by Crispin Rendon.
Juan Tamez is my 8th great grandfather and he lived during the late 1500's and early 1600's.
His wife of Juan Tamez was Maria Sanchez de Huerta.
The DNA used for this report is that of Leopoldo "Leo" Tamez, and it turns out that the DNA is R-M269.
Make sure to read the introduction comments by Crispin, since it provides a glimpse of the methodology used to prove Leopoldo's lineage.
It is very interesting.
Introduction of Report, Y-DNA Descendants of Juan Tamez, by Crispin Rendon
This is what Crispin say about this report.

Crispin Rendon
Juan Tamez is my 8th great grandfather. Last week I received and email from Leopoldo aka Leo Tamez asking about the We Are Cousins DNA project. Leo had joined the project and wanted to know what is next. His y-DNA results are haplogroup R-M269. He has been in my genealogy email address book since 2014 without sharing his family tree. My question to him; "Who is your end of the line Y-DNA ancestor." He wrote back "My TAMEZ paternal line. (me) Leopoldo Tamez Esparza ==> Leopoldo Tamez Garcia ==> Carlos Tamez Davila ==> Manuel Tamez Alanis ==> Manuel Tamez Salazar ==> Juan Crisostomo Tamez Alanis ==> Gregorio Tamez Rodriguez ==> Manuel Tamez Morales ==> Juan Tamez Huerta ==> Juan Tamez". I told him I had a problem with the connection between Manuel Tamez and Juan Crisostomo Tamez.
Fortunately, Leo has the transcribed church marriage record for Manuel Tamez and Maria Refugio Alanis from the Monterrey Archivo Historico. They were married January 11, 1847 in Santiago, Nuevo Leon. (That falls into the missing marriage record image gap of the online browse collection.) The record states that the marriage is Manuel's third and that his second wife was Maria Jesus Montemayor. Manuel Tamez married Maria Jesus Rodriguez Montemayor in Santiago and that marriage record states that he had been married to Maria Trinidad Garza who was buried in Linares, Nuevo Leon. It is from his first marriage to Maria Trinidad Garza that we learn is parents are Juan Crisostomo Tamez and Maria Guadalupe Salazar. Leo has it right!
Another marriage triad helped this Y-DNA line. Juan Tamez married his first wife Nicolasa Flores de Abrego in 1681. That record does not name the parents of the bride and groom. When Juan married a third time his bride, Antonia Montes de Ocha was related to his two previous wives. It is from the marriage investigation that we learn who his parents are and how Antonia is related to his first two wives Nicolasa Flores and Estefana Morales. I use May 5, 1691 Saltillo from the marriage investigation as actual the marriage date and location. Many thanks to Leo for sharing his tree and Y-DNA test results.
Get A Copy of the Report, Y-DNA Descendants of Juan Tamez
Make sure to get your own copy of this report today, since you never know. One day he may end up being your ancestor or of someone you may be doing research on for someone else.
Here is the link to Download it:
The We Are Cousins DNA Project
To read, learn, or get more reports similar to this one by Cripin Rendon please visit the We Are Cousins DNA project page. Here is the link:
Are You a Descendant of Juan Tamez?
If you are, let me know in the comments section of this post. Make sure to leave your email, and I will email you my line connecting me to Juan Tamez so that you may add me to your family tree.
Don’t forget to download your very own copy of this report. Have fun!
Hola Primo Moisés: yo también soy descendiente de mi 8vo. Abuelo Juan Tamez y María Sánchez Huerta por línea de su nieto Juan Ángel Tamez Rodríguez de Montemayor y MARÍA INÉS LEAL, se casó en Cadereyta en Noviembre 25 de 1767. y por línea de su bisnieta Brígida Tamez Salazar [Mi Tátara abuela] casada con Gregorio Salazar Hernández [Fernández]
My great grandfather on my paternal side was Tamez from Allende Nuevo León. My grandfather took his maternal last name Fernandez instead of Tamez. I want to say they were from Villa de Santiago originally. My great grandfather Tamez is from lazarillos Allende NL.