I want to thank Cate Biggs for coming up with the idea for our We Are Cousins DNA and GEDMatch Research Group on Facebook. In this post, you can read more about it and also on how to join.
As you know we have a Facebook group called We Are Cousins dedicated to the Genealogy of South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. A few months ago the DNA posts and GEDMatch inquiries started to overtake the group thus pushing the traditional genealogy posts and inquiries down.
Sometimes those posts got no attention due to disappearing too fast down the wall.
As a result, we created the We Are Cousins DNA and GEDMatch Research Group that way we have a central place for you to compare your DNA with other people that have ancestors from Texas, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila can discuss DNA and GEDMatch Research.
I know we could just have sent our members to other bigger and more established groups on Facebook that talk about these topics. But we realized that the chances of you being related to someone in those groups would be very unlikely since they cover most of the United States and Europe.
Join the We Are Cousins DNA and GEDMatch Research Group
If you have tested your DNA and want to learn more then join our group by going to it here https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacdnagroup/
Thank you for all you do Moises!
Your post and links have helped me fill in a lot of gaps
In my family tree !