Here is the December 15, 1888 Death Record of Tiburcio Mendoza who died in Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico. He is my 3rd great grandfather.
This record indicates that Tiburcio was married to Lorenza Mireles. It does not mention the name of his father but that of his mother is Petra Ibarra.
Another great thing about this record is that it mentions that he was from Aguascalientes and thus it points me in the direction that I need to look for records.
Below is the second part of the record and then I provide the transcription to both images.
Second part of 1888 Death Record of Tiburcio Mendoza

Transcription of 1888 Death Record of Tiburcio Mendoza
Acta numero 248 docientos cuarenta y ocho = En la
ciudad de Mier Tamaulipas a las dies de al ma-
ñana del dia dies y siete de Diciembre de mil ocho-
cientos ochenta y ocho, ante mi Luciano Garcia Gar-
cia Juez del Estado Civil de esta Municipalidad
comparecio el Señor Macario Mendoza de treinta a-
ños de edad, soltero, oficio jornalero, originario de la
Hacinenda de Campos Estado de Aguascalientes, ma-
nifestando que a las nueve de la noche del dei de a-
yer fallecio de fiebre sy padre Tiburcio Mendoza
de cuarenta y ocho años de edad, jornalero, que deja viu-
da a Doña Lorenza Mirelez de cuarenta y siete
años. residente en esta hace algunos años; que di-
cho finado due hijo legitimo de [?] [?] Medoza
de quien no recuarda sunombre y de la se-
nora Petra Tijerina Ybarra finados. La noleta se ex-
pidio para la fosa commun cuarto tramo del nuevo
Cemeterio de esta ciudad, siendo testigos de esta defun-
cion los señores Enrique Garcia y Jesus Garcia ambos
solteros, mayores de edad y de esta vecindad. Con lo
que termino la presente acta que leida al comparesen-
te y a los testigos, manifestando estar conformes y
firmaron conmigo para constancia, menos el com-
parecente que no lo supo hacer. Doy fe = Luciano
G. Garcia = Jesus Garcia = Enrique Garcia = tres
rubricas = Almargen - Gratis por Autoridad.
View Original at FamilySearch
If he is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to him in the comments of this blog post.
Do you have any information of who his children were? I have a great, great grandfather named Florencio Mendoza. He is as far as I can go on that side of the family. The 1870 and 1880 census say he was born in Mexico circa 1830. We don’t know if he had siblings. And he only had one son, my great grandfather Gumecindo Mendoza. They settled in South Texas, Duval County.
My Mendoza line is out of Zacatecas and Jalisco and came to the Mier area in the 1860’s.
Hello, Moises, this is Amy Ochoa. Regarding your 3rd grt grandparents. On Familysearch
GS- Film-639963,INDEX C60607-1 there is F.Tiburcio Mendoza, M. Lorenza Mireles, Maternal grndF Trinidad Mireles, Maternal grndM, Ma.
Guadalupe Villanueva. Paternal- Antonio Mendoza wife Petra Ybarra.In Senor San Jose,Ojelos, Jalisco,Mx. All the names seem to match. Just check it out. Amy
Hello, Moises, this is Amy Ochoa. Regarding your 3rd grt grandparents. On Familysearch
GS- Film-639963,INDEX C60607-1 there is F.Tiburcio Mendoza, M. Lorenza Mireles, Maternal grndF Trinidad Mireles, Maternal grndM, Ma.
Guadalupe Villanueva. Paternal- Antonio Mendoza wife Petra Ybarra.In Senor San Jose,Ojelos, Jalisco,Mx. All the names seem to match. Just check it out. Amy
Yes, I have found this information leading to Ojuelos.