This is the September 21, 1771 death record of Joaquin Garcia, my 7th great-grandfather, who died in Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Joaquin Garcia was married to Maria Isabel Juana Guajardo. She was the daughter of Joseph Martinez Guajardo and Margarita Gutierrez.
The parents of Joaquin were Juan Garcia de Pruneda and Maria Gertrudis Garcia Guerra.
The record states that he was seventy years of age at time of death. Below is the transcription of the above record.
Transcription of The Death Record of Joaquin Garcia
Enesta Sta. Yga. de N. S. de la Pma Concepn. de mier en Beinte y uno dias del mes
de Spbre deste presente año de setenta y uno yo fr franco. Perez Intro de estha
di eclesiastica Sepultura a Joachin Garcia español, de edad de setenta
años: Recivio los Santos Sacramentos y murio de enfermedad, viudo
que era de Isabel Guajardo y para que Conste lo firme enesta Sobre dicha vi
lla dicho dia mes, y año ut supra
Fr. Franco. Perez
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If he is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to him in the comments of this blog post.
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- "México, Tamaulipas, registros parroquiales, 1703-1964," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Mier > Inmaculada Concepción > Defunciones 1767-1848 > image 9 of 634; paróquias Católicas, Tamaulipas (Catholic Church parishes, Tamaulipas).
I am a descendent if he, proud to be a descendent if the General Luis García de Pruneda.
Hola Moisés tienes la fuente que afirme los padres de Joaquín Garcia?