In this post, you will find Crispin Rendon's eBook "Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1811-1814" and the link to download it for free.
If you have family/ancestors from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon or it's surrounding communities please make sure to get a copy of this eBook for your genealogical library.
This e-book is an excellent resource so do not miss the opportunity to get a copy for your self.
Introduction of eBook by Crispin

Crispin Rendon
This book contains marriage information from marriage records found on the browse online collection. The marriages occurred in the time span of 1811 to 1814. Basic information from the marriage records is presented along with other information gathered in an attempt to present two generation descendant reports. Most of the nonmarriage record information presented was gathered using the database index. The marriage records come from film number 605180.
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1811-1814

Please ensure that you get a copy of this eBook, since you never know how long it will be available for download.
If you don't have a digital genealogical library this book is a great resource that you can start with.
View Previous Volumes of This Series
Here are the links to the previous two volumes by Crispin.
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1667-1691
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1692-1708
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1709-1720
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1721-1731
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1732-1737
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1738-1743
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1744-1751
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1752-1759
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1760-1771
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1772-1778
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1779-1789
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1790-1794
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1795-1800
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1800-1805
Families of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 1806-1810
By the way, don't forget to say thank you to Crispin Rendon for providing us with this great resource just like he has done month after month.
Thank you so much for all the great information. And thank you Mr. Rendon for all the amazing work he has done to keep all the rest of us who are looking for our ancestors informed.
Hola, compre tu libro para ver si encontraba a mis visabuelos pero no los encuentro, me puede horientar en donde buscar a mis antepasados? son de Monterrey segun me dice mi padre
Libro de Bautismo No 14 a foja 86 vta
AL MARGEN 851 Gabriel
En la parroquia del sagrado Corazon a nueve de octubre de mil novecientos trece el Pbro. Rafael R. Mundo Bautizo a Gabriel Gonzalez Perez nacido el 2 de Mayo de 1913
Hijo legitimo de:
Gabriel Gonzalez
Epitacia Pearez
Abuelos Paternos: Genoveco Gonzalez y Macaria Gonzalez
Abuelos Maternos Simon Martinez y Ma del Refugio de Cardenas
Ya los buscastes en FamilySearch?
Do you have any record of the Will Family from Syracuse NY who moved to Monterey in the 1800's to establish a company making beeswax candles for the Catholic churches?
Thank you
I think I saw Will listed as a surname in some church records but I thought it was an error. I will see if I can refind them.