This is the marriage November 8, 1737, marriage record of Marcos Salvador Flores and Maria Eufemia Lopez. They are my wife's 5th great-grandparents who got married in Cadereyta, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
I have yet to discover who the parents of Marcos are and from information on a marriage dispensation we know that Eufemia's father was named Pedro Lopez who was the a natural son of Maria Josefa Lopez.
This record indicates that Marcos was form Monterrey and Eufemia from Cadereyta. This helps narrow my search. I will keep you posted if I find anything else on them. For now here is the transcription of the above image.
Transcription of 1737 Marriage of Marcos Salvador Flores and Maria Eufemia Lopez
cos Sal
flores y
Maria eugeni
a Lopez
En esta Parroquial de Cadereita en 8 de Nove. de 1737 a
hechas todas las diligensias, que ordena el santo
concilio, y amonestados en tres deas festivos
inter missarum solemnia, de que no resulto
impedimiento, case y vele, infacie eclesie a
Marcos Salvador Flores español, origo.
de Monterrey, y vecino de esta villa, con, [?]
Maria Eugenia Lopez española origi
naria y vesina de esta feligrecia, fueron
sus padrinos, Juan Joseph de Salazar, y Maria
Josepha Gonzalez de Ochoa, fueron testi
gos Juan Cortez, Franco. de Tremiño, y otra
mucha gente y lo firme
Fr. Miguel Davila
If this couple is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to them in the comments of this blog post.
- FamilySearch: Mexico, Catholic Church Records (Name: FamilySearch;), "México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2020), Cadereyta Jiménez > San Juan Bautista > Matrimonios 1710-1795, 1822-1828 > image 47 of 442; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
Could this Marcos be a possiblity?? I have a Marcos Salvador Flores in my data base and he was baptized 20 Jul 1704 in Monterrey. His parents were Miguel Flores and Maria Martinez. Ref:Film 605147 Image 213:
"México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Monterrey > Catedral > Bautismos 1668-1731 > image 213 of 551; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
I also have the same info as you. Marcos Flores is my 6th GG.
Moises, Eufemia Lopez also married Juan Joseph Pena son of Juan Agustin Pena and Francisca Lujan 14 Dec 1751. Ref:Film 605370 Image 84 of 442
"México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2020), Cadereyta Jiménez > San Juan Bautista > Matrimonios 1710-1795, 1822-1828 > image 84 of 442; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
I am also descended from Marcos Flores on my mom's side. We are descended from his grandson, Urbano Flores. I have followed those leaves on Ancestry and have names going back farther, but not sure if they are correct. Before Marcos, info was kind of iffy. I have a family tree for the Flores family that I got from the historical section at UTPA.
Janie Cantu
I am new to genealogy, so I'm having difficulty following how Maria Eugenia becomes Maria Euphemia. I've come across both names and, to me, it seems like they are two different names. Is there a basic transliteration from Spanish to English that I a missing? If so, is there some resource that can help me decipher this?
Names were written as they sounded and depending on the priest’s training they had different spellings. Eufemia and Eugenia are used interchangeably.
Ah ok, so it is common knowledge that they are the same name, like Guaxardo is Guajardo, is Guaxdo., etc.. Still seems somewhat confusing as the sounds the names make when spoken are different, but either way, thank you for the clarifying response.