This is the 1692 Death Record of Luisa de las Casas who died in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She is my wife's 9th great-grandmother who was buried at the parochial church of Monterrey.
Thanks to her sons being mentioned in this record we know that her husband was Alonso Rodriguez de Carvajal and that her parents are Diego de Villarreal and Beatriz de las Casas.
You can find more descendants and ancestors of hers at Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Database here:
Transcription of 1692 Death Rcord of Luisa de las Casas
D. Luyza de las
Casas española
En dies y ocho de Octubre de mil y Seicientos y no-
benta y dos murio Doña Luyza de las Cassas Hizo su
testamento Ante Gnl. Don Antonio Fernandez Ba-
llejo nombro por sus albaceas a Nicolas Rodriguez Y
a Alonso Rodriguez sus hijos se enterro Enla Parrochial
desta Ciudad mando se le dixese un nobenario de
missas cantadas en dha Parrochia dejo alas mandas
forcosas a dos Pe- y se le dixo misa y vigilia de
Cuerpo presente y para que conste lo firme
ut supra -
Br. Lorenzo Perez de Leon
If she is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to her in the comments of this blog post.
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"México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Monterrey > Catedral > Defunciones 1668-1752 > image 51 of 368; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).
Moises, I am a descendant of her brother:
Children of Capitan Diego VILLARREAL and Beatriz CASAS were as follows:
314 i Sargento Mayor Diego VILLARREAL, born abt 1630 in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon,
Mexico. He married (1) abt 1656 Maria Josefa GARZA, born in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo
Leon, Mexico, daughter of Capitan Francisco GARZA and Juana GARCIA; (2) Ines
RENTERIA, died 16 Aug 1672 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, daughter of Sargento
Mayor Jacinto GARCIA SEPULVEDA and Clara FERNANDEZ RENTERIA; (3) on 25 Dec
1675 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Tomasina FLORES, born abt 1657; died 13 Apr
1680 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, daughter of Capitan Pedro FLORES ABREGO and
Margarita GARZA; (4) on 23 Jan 1689 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Mariana
CORTINAS ACOSTA, daughter of Alferez Antonio CORTINAS and Isabel FLORES
I descend from Luisa de las Casas' son and 'albacea,' Nicolás and his wife Ana Suarez de Longoria 'hn'.
I also descend from her bothers, Juan Bautista and from Diego–with Inés de Rentería.