This 523-page book contains five generations of Salinas focusing on the descendants of Jose Miguel Salinas and Antonia Cervera. It also focuses on the descendants of Joseph Salinas and Micaela Camacho. Both Jose Miguel and Joseph are believed to have been born in El Nuevo Reino de Leon (Nuevo Leon) in the second half of the 1600’s. Both were Presidio soldiers of San Gregorio de Cerralvo. They are considered the progenitors of the Salinas surname in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Texas. This book contains information from the 1600s through the late 1800s.
Joseph was a Presidio soldier of Cerralvo from 1692 through 1701 and in 1704 he starts appearing in records as an Alfarez. The last mention of him is in 1705 when his son Antonio Salinas replaces him as Presidio soldier. He was married to Micaela Camacho. To date I have been able to document over 14,000 descendants for them.
Jose Miguel Salinas became a Presidio soldier of Cerralvo in 1698, just eight years after his brother Joseph. The last mention of him in the records was in 1717. His wife was Antonia de Cervera the daughter of Gabriel de Cervera and Maria de Longoria. To date I have been able to document over 3,800 descendants for them.
This book only contains a fraction of their descendants due to printing limitations.
Finally, for the sake of this book the parents of Joseph and Jose Miguel are _____ Salinas and Isabel Martinez de Benavides. Thus, this book begins with _____ Salinas and Isabel Martinez de Benavides and includes five generations of descendants starting with their sons Joseph and Jose Miguel Salinas.
I truly hope that you find this book useful in your research of your Salinas ancestors.
Keep in mind, this book as all my others are only tools to help you build your tree. Once you discover a death date, baptism date, and or marriage date get a copy of the original. It is very rewarding to do so and you will learn more details about your ancestors.
Also this book does not include every descendant of theirs since that is impossible, it only includes the ones that I have identified through documents, reliable published, and unpublished works. Below is the cover of the book, a button to buy it, and also alink to buy the Spanish Version.
Cover of the Salinas Book

Description of Salinas Book by Amazon
This book contains five generations of Salinas focusing on the descendants of Jose Miguel Salinas and Antonia Cervera. It also focuses on the descendants of Joseph Salinas and Micaela Camacho. Both Jose Miguel and Joseph are believed to have been born in El Nuevo Reino de Leon (Nuevo Leon) in the second half of the 1600’s. Both were Presidio soldiers of San Gregorio de Cerralvo. They are considered the progenitors of the Salinas surname in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Texas. This book contains information from the 1600s through the late 1800s.
Table of Contents
Here is the table of contents so that you can see what is included in the book.
Introduction i
How to Read this Book iii
Ancestors and Children of _____ Salinas and Isabel Martinez de Benavides Pg. 1
1st Generation ……………………………………………………………… Pg. 3
2nd Generation ……………………………………………………………... Pg. 5
3rd Generation ……………………………………………………………... Pg. 7
4th Generation ……………………………………………………………... Pg. 17
5th Generation ……………………………………………………………... Pg. 65
Index of Individuals Pg. 319
Endnotes Pg. 359
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