by Moises Garza

September 19, 2024

Diego de Montemayor's Passage to New Spain 1548
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the December 17, 1548 passenger list entry for Diego de Montemayor, the founder of Monterrey. At the time the port of Sevilla, Spain was bustling with activity as ships came and left.

The record states that he is from Malaga and the son of Juan  de Montemayor and Mayor Hernandez. It also states that he is going to New Spain with his wife Ines Rodriguez (1).

The motivations for Diego and Ines to travel to New Spain are unknown. Maybe they heard tales of the New World’s riches—gold, fertile lands, and endless opportunities. They were probably filled with hope for a better future.

The voyage is treacherous: storms, and disease, and worry probably tested their resolve.

We can only assume that they arrived safely in New Spain. Years later we find them in Mexico city by 1553, since on that year they baptized their daughter Maria (4).

By 1560 Ines had already died and Diego had a child with Elvira de Renteria Fernandez. We can only assume that they were married but no marriage record has been discovered. The name of the child was Diego, just like the father (2).

Elvira is stimated to have died prior to 1571 since on that year it is estimated that Diego had a daughter with Juana Porcayo de la Cerda. This daughter was Estefania de Montemayor (3).

In 1596 we find Diego, his children, and grandchildren settling what was one day to become Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Their names are scattered among the many documents found in the municipal archives of Monterrey. 

In the Las Villas del Norte Database for Northeastern Mexico we have documented 85,887 descendants of his and his three wives. You can learn more about the database here:

The above image is the passenger list entry found in the book by Cristobal Bermudes Plata, "Catalogo de Pasajeros A Indias Volumen III (1539-1559)" Pg. 109.

I searched for the original document on the Portal de Archivos Españoles but could nto locate it.

Transcription of the Above Image:

"1736. - Diego de Montemayor, vecino de Malaga, hijo de Juan de Montemayor y de Mayor Hernandez, a Nueva España. Lleva consigo a Ines Rodriguez, su mujer. - 17 Diciembre. 5217 A-num. 4"

Note: The year listed on the page is 1548.

If you are also a descendant of Diego de Montemayor, make sure to let me know in the comments area below.


1. Cristobal Bermudes Plata, Catalogo de Pasajeros A Indias Volumen III (1539-1559) (Sevilla, Imprenta de la Gavidia, 1946), Pg. 109.

2. Israel Cavazos Garza, Catalogo Y Sintesis de los Protocolos del Archivo Municipal de Monterrey 1599-1700, Pg. 7 #17.

3. Maria Elena Santoscoy Flores, Aquellos Primeros Saltillenses (Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, Revista Coahuilense de Historia del Colegio Coahuilense de Investigaciones Historicas, 1997), Pg. 94.

4. "México, Distrito Federal, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1514-1970," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 15 December 2021), > image 1 of 1; parroquias Católicas, Distrito Federal (Catholic Church parishes, Distrito Federal).

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Hi Primo I’m related to Diego de Montemayor thru his last wife & Estefania is my 9th GGG ,
    Thanks for all your hard work ❤️❤️

  2. I received a family tree document from Crispin Rendon of my family on my maternal side that went back 18 generations. Listed in the 15th generation was Diego Montemayor. It seems I am one of the 85,887 descendants of his.

  3. I am a descendant.

    Diego Hernández de Montemayor 'El Tesorero de Luis de Carvajal' had three wives:

    1st: Inés Rodríguez by whom he had Inés Rodríguez (wife of Baltazar de Sosa) and Maria Rodríguez (who, without proof, I suspect to be the wife of Juan Navarro–founder of Saltillo).

    2nd María de Oribe y Esquivel by whom he had Diego de Montemayor 'El Mozo' who succeeded him as 'gobernador' of El Nuevo Reino de León. 'El Mozo' is the husband of Elvira de Rentería.
    NOTE: On page 7 of El Nuevo Reino de León y Monterrey (1598-1705) by Israel Cavazos Garza the following is found: "[70] Exp. 42" [See 'Will' gives parents & spouse]-xrs

    3rd Juana de la Cerda y Sotomayor by whom he had Estefania de Montemayor, wife of Alberto del Canto

    The following information in this post is needing correction:
    "By 1560 Ines had already died and Diego had a child with Elvira de Renteria Fernandez. We can only assume that they were married but no marriage record has been discovered. The name of the child was Diego, just like the father (2).

    Elvira is stimated to have died prior to 1571 since on that year it is estimated that Diego had a daughter with Juana Porcayo de la Cerda. This daughter was Estefania de Montemayor (3)."

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