This post contains image and transcription of the 1762 death record of my 8th great grandfather Juan Diego Gonzalez.
The document is very interesting since right off you notice that it has more writing than the other entries on the same page. The document indicates that he left several hundred sheep and goats to the church's various works.
The document also indicates that he lived at Santa Theresa de las Ygueras del Valle del Carrizal present day Higueras, Nuevo Leon. This document also states that Diego was married to Ycasia Flores, I am a descendant from his first wife Anna Maria de Trevino. In many other records we find his name as Juan Diego Gonzalez.
From the marriage record dated the 9th of August 1716 to Anna Maria de Treviño we know that the parents of Juan Diego Gonzalez are Diego Gonzalez de Ochoa and Maria Anastasia de Treviño.
Transcript of above image:
Don Diego Gonzalez Espanol
En treinta y un dias del mes de Octubre de mil setecients. sesenta
y dos anos, en esta Yglesia Parrochial de Ntra Senora de Guadalupe de
Salinas, se sepulto con la exequia, que la Yglesia manda en Rotura
de dies pesos, con Cruz alta, Misa, Y Vigilia, y tres Posas Don Di-
ego Gonzalez espanol, vesino que era en Sta. Theresa delas Ygueras
del Valle del Carrizal, casado con Ycasia Flores. Se le administraron
los Sacramentos de la Penitencia, Viatico, y Extrema Uncion, y se le
enquio Novenario de Misas resadas. Otorgo dispocision Nuncupa-
tiva ante Testigos el dia nueve de Marzo de este ano en el Rancho
de Sombrerillo Jurisdiccion de Sabinas, a agregaron otras declara-
ciones, qe. hiso despues, y senala a las mandas forsosas a quatro rs a ca-
da una, y por sus Albeceas a su esposa,a Dn Lazaro Gonzalez, y a
Dn. Jph Antonio Gonzalez su hijo: Dexa dosientas cabras al Senor
Crusificado de Tlaxcala en poder de Dn. Juan Franco. Trevino Vesico de la
Punta de Lampazos, y manda se entreguen al Nr. Cura de Boca de
Leones, para ayuda de alguna Trinea o Cofradia del Senor: Y cien
obeja, y ochenta cabras, que manda tambien se entreguen al Cura
de este Paxido, o al Mayordomo de Animas, para que se vendan, y se
agregue su importe a la Cofradia fundada en est Yglesia Parro-
chial de Salinas, y pare que todo sonste lo firme.
Licdo. Joseph Antonio Martinez
Descendants of Juan Diego Gonzalez
Juan Diego Gonzalez married twice. First to Anna Maria de Treviño and then to Maria Icasia Flroes. To date I have been able to locate 8,190 descendants of theirs. If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte you can view them here: If you are not a member you can join today, everyone is welcome. You can also see their ancestors.
Related Posts:
Anna Maria de Trevino, 1719 Death Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Diego Gonzalez de Trevino Baptism, 1696 Monterrey Nuevo, Leon, Mexico
- FamilySearch: México, Nuevo León, Registros Parroquiales, 1667-1981, Salinas Victoria, Defunciones 1745-1836, FHL Film 605415, Index URL: Accessed: 12/14/2021.
- Jose Francisco Garza Carrillo, Matrimonios de la Catedral de Monterrey 1667 -1781 (Monterrey, N.L. Mexico, Self-Published, 2004), Pg. 84.
I can help with your “[?]”, which I believe is an abbreviation for “reales”. I think it should read “las mandas forsosas a quatro reales a cada una”. I came across a similar phrase for one of my ancestors, except that “reales” was spelled out. (My ancestor only gave 2 reales, and left 50 cabras, so he wasn’t as wealthy as Don Diego!)
You are absolutely right, I came across this abbreviation in another document also. Thanks for your help.