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N. 176 Ma. Felicita parba.
En esta Parroquia de la Villa de Mier a los veinte y tres dias del mes de Nbre de mil ochocientos treinta y seis. Yo el Presbto. Jose Ponciano de Taurequi. Cura into. de Esta Villa, Bautize Solemnemte. a Ma. Felicita de tres diaz h.l. de Jose Anto. Guerra y de Ma. del Refugio Gonzl. fueron Padrinos Pedr Jose Barrera y Ma. Ursula Barrera.. y para que conste lo firme.
Je. Ponciano de Taurequi
Source: FamilySearch
Copyright © Moises Garza. All rights reserved. Article may be reused for any purpose, and it is encouraged, as long as it is non-commercial use and it includes this notice. An effort has been made to use materials that provide credit to author or rights holder. If you find anything that should not be listed in this article contact me at [email protected]
io mi chiamo maria felicita guerra e sono nata in italia