by Moises Garza

November 14, 2014

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

Family histories and genealogical charts or reports are a great resource for all of us trying to find our roots and ancestry. David Moreno has contributed greatly in helping others either through his website or his cemetery projects.  In October I was researching a family in Starr county and came across an eBook. After close inspection I noticed that it was done by David Moreno.

Last month I shared David’s website with you in a post titled “Real Starr Website, A Great Genealogical Resource”. You can view that post here to read more about it.

I emailed David to see if I could share this great resource which is an 185  page eBook titled ” STARR CONNECTION” and has the subtitle of “Descendants of Marcos Alonso de la Garza Y Arcon to Jesus Lopez” and he allowed me to share it with you. I am sure that if you have any Garza ancestry or Lopez ancestry from Starr county, you will definitely be interested in this eBook. Bellow you can read the email that David sent me and I highly recommend that you read it.

Starr Connection Descendants of Marcos Alonso de la Garza Y Arcon to Jesus Lopez

I hope that David does not mind that I share this email with you but he explains genealogical research, this eBook and his project beautifully.

Partial Email from David Moreno:


You are welcome to use any information we post on our public Internet site as long as it is understood that our research is not a professional treatise. We source where we can and make educated guesses at times. We even have un-sourced data from our early and present days and then work to source the information through research. We investigate other people’s trees and are brazen about replicating their information word for word. But, we are humans of varying aptitude levels prone to all the vagaries of humankind.

As you know, our private site, is used as a place where family members that are enthusiastic in preserving and perpetuating precise data can bring together research efforts, add new family information, and correct old information about our shared families. Since projects of this nature are ever changing, our aim is to put into digital print or in book form, at intervals during the year the information gathered and circulated among family members for addition, deletion and correction of existing information on our private site website so that revised information can be reprinted during the year for the same purpose, revision and correction in an never ending process.

Our family genealogy study is neither perfect nor complete and is provided as an unfinished revision to see where we are in our research at a point in time.

Your friend,

David Ochoa Moreno

I could have not explained it better than David. Please use this resource as a tool and don’t criticize it if you find any mistakes since it is a work in progress and this PDF is just a glimpse of a bigger project that David and his family members are putting together.

Visit Davids Website:

Download eBook:

You can download the eBook using this link.

If you are in any way related to David make sure to get into contact with or exchange family information or clues for further research. Le t me know what you think about this great resource in the comments section of this post.

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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  1. Does anyone still have the ebook available that i could possibly get a copy of. Someone comment on my tree about this book and i was wanting to take a look at it but can’t seem to find it.

  2. I am trying to locate/purchase a book authored by Josefina Vera, from La Grulla, dated around the 1970's titled:
    "Memories from La Grulla down in the Rio Grande ".
    I have a copy of a copy but unfortunately the pictures are not visible.
    I have contacted some of my relatives, since Ms. Vera is a distant maternal relative, but they have been of no help!
    Any help is appreciated!

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